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Show different results based on variable

Hi all,


I’m new to Typeform, is there a way to show the result based on the variable score?


Eg: There are 3 questions group, each group has 3 questions using the opinion scale (scale from 1-5).

I was able to show the score with variable on result page such as:

Type 1: @type_1

Type 2: @type_2

Type 3: @type_3


But I would like to add another logic, if the Type 2 score higher than 1 & 3. I would like to show a different result with different summary. How can I do that?

(I hope to create something like this:




Best answer by john.desborough

@comdev - there are lots of posts in the Community where the details have been laid out, if you want to search for them. if you want to short cut that, as @Liz said, I did create a cheat sheet for this sort of logic scenario. In this case, the one you’ll find at this link deals with 5 categories and looking for a high score - and it includes a simple tie breaker question. 


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  • November 3, 2023

I believe @john.desborough either has a cheat sheet for this or an answer somewhere here covering this!

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  • November 6, 2023

@john.desborough Can you help with this?

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  • November 6, 2023

@comdev - there are lots of posts in the Community where the details have been laid out, if you want to search for them. if you want to short cut that, as @Liz said, I did create a cheat sheet for this sort of logic scenario. In this case, the one you’ll find at this link deals with 5 categories and looking for a high score - and it includes a simple tie breaker question. 


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  • November 10, 2023

Hmm, I tried with some approaches from other posts as well as the cheat sheet. I wasn’t having a luck.

Here is what I tried to achieve:

Type 1:

  • Question 1: Opinion range 1-5
  • to
  • Question 7: Opinion range 1-5
  • (all are count toward custom variable which is @type_1)
  • (the highest score will be 35)

Type 2:

  • Question 1: Opinion range 1-5
  • to
  • Question 7: Opinion range 1-5
  • (variable: @type_2)

Type 3:

  • Question 1: Opinion range 1-5
  • to
  • Question 7: Opinion range 1-5
  • (variable: @type_3)

Type 4-12 

  • same pattern as above

There are 12 different results, I can show all scores on final result, but is there a way to show the winning result based on the highest score?

On Branching and Calculations, there is no way to add @type_# on “greater than” field and then go to the winning result page:

(The cheat sheet use the actual number, I thought it may be too time consuming as there are 84 variables - 12 types x 7 question)


I hope my request isn’t too complicated!

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • November 10, 2023

@comdev - you are correct in that you cannot compare a variable against another. you can do it in a bit of a multi-step way that requires a bunch of additional variables to be created: 

but it goes something like this: 

  • check to see if there is a unique high score for each variable
    • if v1 is greater than v2 and if v1 is greater than v3 and if v1 is greater than v4…..
    • if v1 greater than all of them is true, then v1 is the highest (repeat for all the individual variables) 

but how do you do that to start with cuz there is no direct way to do that type of logic.. so you need to do something like this: 

  • if v1 is greater than or equal 0 then add v1 to v_is_v1_gt_v2
  • if v1 is greater than or equal  0 then subtract v2 from v_is_v1_gt_v2
  • if v_is_v1_gt_v2 greater than 0 then add 1 to v1_unique_high
  • if v_is_v1_gt_v2 less than 0 then add 1 to v2_unique_high

repeat for v1 vs v3, v1-v4, etc.. 

there are also a few other types of calculation that you will have to do 

and this is a crap-tonne of logic rules - i’ve done it for 27, 20, 15 and 10 categories. it is not fun 


the easiest way to do this is to determine the maximum score possible that your categories will have and use the number value method. - if the highest value is the 35 you mention, you would start there and do the logic cycle would have to compare your 12subtotal variables against each other to see if there was a unique high score at 35.. if not then at 34...if not ……. 





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  • November 13, 2023

Let us know how the suggestion from Des goes for you, @comdev !
