Hi Typeform community,
I really need help. I have been reading through all the articles for the past 3 hours and I am not getting a “Typeform for dummies” response that I can follow.
I have a leadership survey with 4 sections and each section between 8 and 12 questions in the Likert scale format. I have already added the questions to question groups and scorring on the logic page. The issue that I am facing is there are 27 different possible outcomes based on the scoring for each question eg (M: 2.6–3.5, H: 3.6–5.0, L: 1.0–2.5). What I am thinking is to create something calculating each respondent’s answers based on the scoring after each question and based on the seperate results, it goes to each page - I honestly have no idea how to do it. If it is a vairble, how do I create one and do I have to redo the scoring using a varible. In terms of the 27 outcomes, do I add each one to the endings page to branch to based on the scoring? And how do you combine everything at the end then? I please need a dumbed down version of this as I havent had any luck finding the information related to this.
Also, Is there a way the respondents can download a pdf version of their results for interest sake?
I would appreciate any assistance in this regard.
Thank you community.