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Good afternoon from sunny Galway.   I am creating a typeform for feedback from clients.  I want to set it up so that when the client hits submit, they have the choice to send the data to one of 5 emails depending on the query.  This sounds like conditional logic but the piece I am struggling with is the email trigger.  I know that I can create an email notification with zapier - but this would only send off one email.  Hope this makes sense.  Elodie

Hey @elodiegolden! Welcome to the Typeform Community!  :hugging:

I love Galway! It's a beautiful city! :shamrock:

Unfortunately, you can only create an email notification to the respondents with the emails you have manually inserted when you set this up. Check out the example below.Typeform - Create 2021-08-20 at 3.42.42 PMHowever, there's a feature that might help you. If your respondent knows the email their response should be sent to, you can simply add an "email question" and set up a "respondent notification" to send the responses directly to the email added by the respondent. Make sure to read about this feature in this article.

For the respondent to "decide" which email they should receive their answers, you'd have to create a logic to decide which email would get the notification, following the steps below.
1. Add a multiple choice question and let clients choose the email they want to receive
2. Set up the notification via Zapier (the article shared above) that uses the multiple-choice question as to the condition in the filter. 

Maybe @john.desborough  or @vickioneill have a better suggestion?  

Let me know what solution works better for you! Wishing you a great day! :sunny:

Hi @elodiegolden Were you able to give these workarounds a try? :grinning:

Hi @elodiegolden  yes you can do it easily. But you didn’t clear what will be the logic of choosing the email you want to send. You can do you via zapier. Or custom coding script.

