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I tested the survey to see if I would get an automatic email with my results. It worked. I sent the typeform to friends and family. Some got their results and some didn’t. How does this get fixed to where all participants will automatically receive their results upon survey completion ?

Hi @iAmLeslieJones Thanks for stopping by the community! It’s possible that some of the emails may have been sent to their spam inbox, if they haven’t checked there already. 

If that’s not the case, do you mind sending a screenshot of how the follow-ups are setup? That’ll help us see if there’s something that needs to be updated!

Where do I go to scree shot the follow-ups?

@iAmLeslieJones You can post the screenshots in the thread here. 😀

Does this help?

@iAmLeslieJones - it looks like there are changes that need to be published in your form. please make sure you do that before you send the link  out  to people… 


Where do I go to see if the email has been sent? I just had one complete the survey 10 minutes ago. I can not tell if he received the automatic email. 

Hi @iAmLeslieJones We don’t have a feature that allows you to see the notifications that have been sent. However, I can share this request with our product team. 

Okay. That would be an awesome feature. Hopefully we can get that asap. 

@iAmLeslieJones @Liz  - you can always send a notification to yourself along with the the email to the respondent using the same trigger:


that fires after the email to respondents so if you get one, they have been sent an email. 

whether they read it or not is a different question


