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Hi peeps!


February is the shortest month of the year, but it looks like that doesn’t mean much when it comes to cool thing happening around us – we’ve had Carnival, Saint Valentine’s day, Black History Month and, more importantly, my mom’s birthday :birthday:


Besides all these great events, February was also the first month of our Typeform community!



We have actually achieved a ton of things in less than 28 days. Let me list a few:


  • We’re more than 2,000 community creators!

  • We’ve asked more than 300 questions and posted over 1,500 replies. 

  • We have liked each others’ content 2,900 times. You folks seem to enjoy a good post!

  • 135 questions have had a ‘best answer’.


We’ve had a plethora of collaborators from Typeform here in the community, including folks from our Support, Product, Marketing, and Data teams. Big round of applause to them, these busy bees have been going the extra mile to share their cool stuff with us here in the community. Content wise these are the highlights from February:


Meaningful Mondays – @paul  has been exploring what it takes to be a meaningful brand in his weekly series.


Why we built a new Typeform – @Laura Rueda  explained the thinking behind the new Typeform builder.

Webinar: Collect and qualify leads – @amy.carlson demoed how to use the new Typeform to pull in qualified leads.


Guide to the new Typeform builder @suzieq showed everyone everything there is to know about our new editor.


How to generate reports with Typeform & GSuite@Nordin revealed how he creates semi-automated bug reports for his team using some sick Google Data Studio skills.


Integrations Digest – @rachelmkalt  told us about some exciting new native Typeform integrations for your marketing stack.


Hack Together Episode #1@picsoung  took to Twitch to teach us how to develop with the new Typeform builder

Office Hours@Francois (Typeform) and @Liz  teamed up to talk tech in the first of their weekly get togethers

I want to give a huge shout out to the entire community for the great discussions we’ve been having so far. Besides a couple of spam posts (it happens in all good families) the content we’ve been sharing and the respect among members has been incredible.  


We knew there was a lot of ‘hidden’ talent in our community but we didn’t expect it to surface so quickly. We’re really grateful for those asking questions, sharing challenges and, particularly, those lending their time and brains to help others with their ideas and workarounds


Special thanks to @john.desborough@vickioneill , @jag@Michaela@daniel@diya.sen , @andy flannagan@Mikael@RémiZ and all of you who have participated so far. We are blessed to have you here. 


You guys rock. We wish you a beautiful month of March… Spring is coming :pineapple:


PS: Shout out to @Liz and @Mariana for being great community advocates and facilitators. Happy first month in the community. 


WOW! What a great first month, @Gabriel !! Congrats on what seems to be a successful launch of the community.

I learned very quickly that this is a great place to learn, share and help others. Thank you for creating this space.

Cheers to you, @Liz @Mariana and @amy.carlson for all YOUR contributions and help since I joined. Looking forward to many more months of learning. 

Thanks for the community.

It helps to learn what is possible with typeform much faster. 

Everytime I scroll through the posts, I get new ideas on how I can use typeform myself more efficiently and create incredible quizes, tests and feedback forms.

Good Job @Gabriel 

@Gabriel @Liz @Mariana @James @paul @picsoung 

@noridin  and all the others from Typeform and at all the #TypeformRocks (new hashtag??) Community members who are making this a great place to be.. 

This is truly going to be a Meaningful way to change the way in which we can interact with our communities at large, our business communities - I have learned a tonne of things here and am probably spending too much time reading up on all the other challenges people are trying to solve: but i am learning SOOOOOOOO much - and it is having a meaningful impact 

yeah - i did that. used meaningful on purpose twice.. 

coffee for everyone!! (or other appropriate beverage)… 





So happy and proud to be a part of this. Amazing to see how far we've come in just a month. Thanks to everyone mentioned in the post and especially to the Godfather of the Community @Gabriel who has brought us such a delightful space to learn and play :heart_eyes:

This melts my heart! Thanks so much for the contribution of you all. This is what makes our community a special place :hugging:  I'm so glad to see how the community is growing and making such a positive impact! 



It’s my pleasure! I am super happy with how well you guys addressed the bug we found and fixed it within days. Awesome job, that’s one reason why I love using Typeform.

Thanks for the community.

It helps to learn what is possible with typeform much faster. 

Everytime I scroll through the posts, I get new ideas on how I can use typeform myself more efficiently and create incredible quizes, tests and feedback forms.

Good Job @Gabriel 


This is exactly what we are trying to achieve. So it's truly great to hear we are helping some of you building better and faster typeforms. 

Love the energy! You’ll rock :grin:

