I have a quiz that is not scored in a straightforward way and i would like to know how to build it in Typeform, if it is possible. It is a quiz for couples to assess how “fair” they fight. The first two questions assess the frequency of their arguments and whether they get resolved. The answers are multiple choice each with its own score value. The score value of the response to question one is multiplied by the score value of the response to question two, to yield a total score for PART A.
PART B consists of 18 questions that assess destructive patterns of fighting or how couples fight. 9 of the questions are about how YOU “fight” in a disagreement and the other 9 are mirror questions about how YOUR PARTNER “fights” in a disagreement. All 18 questions are multiple choice responses with a different score value for each response. All nine values for the YOU questions are summed to get a YOU TOTAL SCORE FOR PART B and all nine YOUR PARTNER questions are summed separately to get a YOUR PARTNER TOTAL SCORE FOR PART B.
As you can see it’s complicated and I don’t see how to do it in Typeform and I suspect that Typeform won’t let me do it. But if there is a way …
So I need three scores:
PART A (questions 1 and 2 multiplied together)
PART B (Questions 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 all summed together)
PART B (Questions 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 all summed together)
Is this possible?