Is there a way to pre-populate a form with data from a respodant who's prevoisuly completed a form? | Community
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Is there a way to pre-populate a form with data from a respodant who's prevoisuly completed a form?

I have a series of 10 forms needing to be completed in numerical order. Is there a way to save the respondent from having to enter basic data such as name ect on each of the forms. Currently looking into the how hidden fields work.

Any other suggestions on how this may work welcomed as i’m just getting an idea of whether this is even going to be possible with Type Form

Best answer by Mariana

Hi @alexW. Welcome to the Typeform Community! =)


You can pass information between two typeforms by following these steps:

1. First things first, you’re going to need both typeforms: one which will collect the information and pass it on, and another which will receive the information and make use of it. You can create both of these typeforms using the New typeform button in your Workspace.

Screenshot showing two typeforms for sending and receiving


2. With both typeforms created, enable Hidden Fields on the receiving typeform by clicking or dragging the Hidden Fields icon that appears at the bottom of the Questions menu in the Create panel.

Location of the Hidden Fields button


3. You can now name the Hidden Fields that you’d like to pass to the next typeform. Enter a name for each Hidden Fields box that appears above the questions. For example, nameemail, or product_name.

Screenshot showing where variable names appear in Typeform


4. Now you’re ready to start using these Hidden fields throughout your typeform. In other words, now you can start inserting the respondent’s name or email into your questions, for example, to create a personalized experience for them.

Select the question you want to add the Hidden Field to and click on the Add button next to Recall Information. Now choose which Hidden Field you want to insert from the drop-down list that appears.



5. Once you’ve finished designing the receiving typeform, find the URL at the top of the Live preview panel and click on it to copy it to your clipboard. You’ll need this in a later step (on the other typeform). Note that this URL should contain a parameter for each of the Hidden Fields you added earlier, e.g. name=xxxxx&email=xxxxx.

Screenshot showing how to copy and paste a URL with hidden fields


6. The next thing to do is to set up the first, sending typeform which will collect the information and pass it on, so go ahead and create your typeform however you like. Now, set up the redirect to the receiving typeform by heading for the Settings menu and flicking on the Redirect on completion toggle. You can learn more about this Professional feature here.



7. Paste in here the URL of the receiving typeform that you copied in step five. You now need to add the data you collect for your Hidden Fields to customize this URL. Do this by clicking the + icon and choosing the corresponding variable (e.g. “Answer to… 1 – What is your name?”) from the drop-down, inserting it after the “variablename=” part of the URL.


That’s it! Now when your respondent clicks the Submit button, they’ll be taken to the second typeform, and thanks to the magic of Hidden Fields and the URL you just constructed, the information collected from the first form will be available in the second form.


Let us know how it goes! 

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  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 679 replies
  • Answer
  • June 7, 2021

Hi @alexW. Welcome to the Typeform Community! =)


You can pass information between two typeforms by following these steps:

1. First things first, you’re going to need both typeforms: one which will collect the information and pass it on, and another which will receive the information and make use of it. You can create both of these typeforms using the New typeform button in your Workspace.

Screenshot showing two typeforms for sending and receiving


2. With both typeforms created, enable Hidden Fields on the receiving typeform by clicking or dragging the Hidden Fields icon that appears at the bottom of the Questions menu in the Create panel.

Location of the Hidden Fields button


3. You can now name the Hidden Fields that you’d like to pass to the next typeform. Enter a name for each Hidden Fields box that appears above the questions. For example, nameemail, or product_name.

Screenshot showing where variable names appear in Typeform


4. Now you’re ready to start using these Hidden fields throughout your typeform. In other words, now you can start inserting the respondent’s name or email into your questions, for example, to create a personalized experience for them.

Select the question you want to add the Hidden Field to and click on the Add button next to Recall Information. Now choose which Hidden Field you want to insert from the drop-down list that appears.



5. Once you’ve finished designing the receiving typeform, find the URL at the top of the Live preview panel and click on it to copy it to your clipboard. You’ll need this in a later step (on the other typeform). Note that this URL should contain a parameter for each of the Hidden Fields you added earlier, e.g. name=xxxxx&email=xxxxx.

Screenshot showing how to copy and paste a URL with hidden fields


6. The next thing to do is to set up the first, sending typeform which will collect the information and pass it on, so go ahead and create your typeform however you like. Now, set up the redirect to the receiving typeform by heading for the Settings menu and flicking on the Redirect on completion toggle. You can learn more about this Professional feature here.



7. Paste in here the URL of the receiving typeform that you copied in step five. You now need to add the data you collect for your Hidden Fields to customize this URL. Do this by clicking the + icon and choosing the corresponding variable (e.g. “Answer to… 1 – What is your name?”) from the drop-down, inserting it after the “variablename=” part of the URL.


That’s it! Now when your respondent clicks the Submit button, they’ll be taken to the second typeform, and thanks to the magic of Hidden Fields and the URL you just constructed, the information collected from the first form will be available in the second form.


Let us know how it goes! 

  • Author
  • Explorer
  • 1 reply
  • June 8, 2021

Thankyou so much for this detailed rersponse @Mariana. It looks like it should do the trick.

  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 679 replies
  • June 8, 2021

My pleasure, @alexW! I'm glad to hear that =) 

  • Explorer
  • 1 reply
  • January 31, 2023


We have scenario in which users are already filled the form and responses are stored in Typeform DB. Now, after sometime user need to fill form again we need to populate the already answers field from users answers which was recorded earlier. Is there any way we can achieve this?

Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14840 replies
  • January 31, 2023

Hi @varuntomar I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. 😀
