Adding weight or score to each column of the matrix question | Community
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Hi there, 


I just joined the Typeform community and I am trying to build a matrix-type survey. I was wondering if it is possible to add weight or score to each column of the matrix question. It is very useful when analysing large quantity of data. 

Hi @manisha. Welcome to our Community! :hugging:


I totally agree this would be useful! However, the scores (and the logic jumps) cannot be added to the Matrix Question at the moment. The team will keep improving the New Builder and the Matrix Question over the next months and I hope this is one of the things we'll include.


Also, I'd suggest you subscribe to the product update page here so you'll be notified about new releases too. :) 

Thank you!

@manisha - from a user here 

with the matrix questions, i also have the same interest. what i have tried to test “in the background” is the conversion of a series of question groups, each with a handful of questions, that would work better (in my opinion) in a matrix style question. 

However, in my test I am taking the Matrix style question out put into a Google Sheet, where i can update the weighting and come up with the figures i need for analysis. I will also use this to be able to generate the reports i need to be sent to the survey user (using Document Studio add-in in Google Sheets)

This works for me in terms of the weighting of values and analysis of the matrix responses, but there are some of the features, that @Mariana mentioned, that are being worked on that will improve the Matrix question type in future updates. 

hope this helps a little.. 


Woohoo, great alternative @john.desborough! Thanks so much for your contribution :smiley:

Hi @manisha. Welcome to our Community! :hugging:


I totally agree this would be useful! However, the scores (and the logic jumps) cannot be added to the Matrix Question at the moment. The team will keep improving the New Builder and the Matrix Question over the next months and I hope this is one of the things we'll include.


Also, I'd suggest you subscribe to the product update page here so you'll be notified about new releases too. :) 

Any progress update? Scoring a matrix would be extremely helpful.


Thanks for sharing your workaround for the matrix scoring issue, though I'm having a slight problem following your steps. If you have a moment could you help me to clarify the following?

  1. Did you use the matrix grid in TypeForm or did you substitute it with a "group" of questions?
  2. If you did use the matrix in TypeForm, how did you formulate values associated with those questions and how did you input them into your Google sheet?
  3. Did you create a matrix in Google sheets and plug in the values from a non-matrix question group from TypeForm?

I really appreciate your contribution to this subject. I've been trying to figure this one out for a while now.


Has there been any progress with this? - Matrix option with a score/number value per response row?

@john.desborough I am thinking of a workaround similar to what you have described, although, I would need to build an automation into the Google Sheet to trigger a numbered response for each question response… is that kind of what you were doing?

I have a matrix with 120 questions, so, it’s a big job - keen to hear if anyone else has a good workaround.


@Gamze - sorry for the delay in the response.. i missed this one.. @JulieLaw - maybe the info below will help

i have used matrix questions a lot (and yes i wish there was logic available within Typeform for them) as well as using question groups sometimes. 

for matrix questions: 

  • always connect your typeform to a google sheet
  • the data will be entered on a single row for the respondent in the typeform when they submit
  • i create another tab in the sheet that i call reporting
  • on the reporting tab, i create me-friendly column names and use the arrayformula() function to bring the data from each new entry into the sheet. 
  • i create additional columns where i want to apply weighting to any score - for example if i want to weight the answers to all the odd numbered questions, i can multiply the value in the response column by, say, 1.5, and put it in a new column (using arrayforumula())
  • i then design the reports i want to send out in either google slides or docs - a merge template
  • i use Document Studio - an add-on for Sheets - to actually do the merge between the data and the merge template to create the pdf AND to mail the report out - i set document studio to run in the background every hour ..

hope that helps a little



thanks so much for your response, this does help me a lot. I will use this same process for sure.



Thank you! Your answer helped me a lot! 

Our goal was to show/send these results to the participant, but in this system, we can only import the results to our Drive folder or Asana account or get an email to a specific email address. Is there a way to share the survey results with the participants once they complete the survey? 

Thanks again, 


Just adding my support for the matrix scoring functionality. I’m surprised more people haven’t expressed a need for this. It would be sooooo helpful. Hope it comes in soon 🙏
