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Automatically add commas for numbers

Hi All, I’ve created a typeform that asks users to input project budgets in order to generate a quote based on that input as well as a series of questions. The issue is that these budget inputs and the generated quotes may have a significant number of digits in them. Looking at these numbers without commas can be very confusing (especially if there are a series of 0’s).

Is there a way for a number question input to have a currency symbol, as well as automatically add commas every three digits? Same thing for a calculated variable (though I know I can manually add a $ sign before the variable in the question).

If this is unclear, you can check out the typeform here: 


18 replies

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Hey @ecallighan! Welcome to the Typeform Community! Happy to have you here! :blue_heart:

I'm afraid we haven't added the ability to use currency symbol and commas for number questions just yet. We have a thread in the community where our users suggest new features. Make sure to drop your suggestion there for visibility. :wink:

If you'd like, you can join our testing group for early access to new features we're building through here. You can also stay up to date with other product updates via our Product Digest posts in the Typeform Community here.

Apologies for the limitation this time, but please let me know if there's something else we can help with. :hugging:

Thanks @Gabi Amaral, I’ll post this suggestion there :)

A year later and still no accommodation for commas or was this addressed?


We also need this feature

Please add this ASAP! My results look like garbage without the ability to remove cents and add commas. 


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ADD THIS! It’s so fundamentally important….

Userlevel 5
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Also interested in this.

I've created a Typeform that asks users to input project budgets to generate a quote. There may be many digits in these budget inputs and generated sections. Seeing these numbers without commas can be very confusing (especially if there are a lot of zeros).
Is adding commas every three digits to a number question input and a currency symbol possible? In the same way, I can manually add a $ sign before a calculated variable.
You can check out the Typeform here if this is unclear:

Userlevel 7
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Hi @kanyewestmerch567 I’ve added your post here where you can follow for any updates on this. 

+1 for this idea! This would increase the number of ways we’re able to use Typeform. 

Any updates on this?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @regmarketing happy wednesday! Thanks for stopping by. We don’t have this on the roadmap, but if that changes, we’ll post about it here. 😀

Any update on the commas? Really love the platform but the no commas is a problem for the project I’m hoping to use it for.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @GeorgeB I’m afraid we don’t have any updates at this time. 😓

Guys, it is incredible that in 2024 there is still no comma or full stop between numbers. I need this for my work and I have to insert text instead of numbers, which is inefficient in terms of speed and presentation. 
Guys, how long does it take you to edit one line of code? If you want, I can introduce you to a smart guy who can help you out 

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Hi @Priamo77 Thanks for stopping by and sharing your feedback - I know it’s frustrating to look at a chain of posts from the last few years and not see the feature added. Our developers are working on other features with higher priority at the moment (partial responses, captcha, etc), but if they do decide to add this feature, you’ll hear about it here first!

Typeform offers beautiful forms. Having numbers input and variables calculated in Currency Format with comma separators is a must-have for my business. 

I don’t want to be forced to use Jotform for this functionality so please consider adding this as soon as possible.

Thank you.

We just got another update, STILL no comma feature? and the video feature lacks having any titles to the question when i choose to embed a video. I don’t want to have to keep using other products to give estimates to clients. I love typeform, but so far this is flat out ridiculous.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @NoelSEGC Which video feature are you referencing? The new video question or simply our video embed (ex, Vimeo)? 
