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Bug? Deleting a sub-question from a question group

  • 30 June 2021
  • 7 replies

I’m building a form that will contain one question group with several Opinion Scale sub-questions. I noticed that I can duplicate sub-questions, but don’t see the option to delete them from the group. 

When I tried adding a second question group, the ability to delete questions from the original group was enabled. 

Is this a feature that I just don’t totally get, or possibly a bug? 

Hi @lexieb Thanks for stopping by and, wow, that’s a weird bug! I can’t say I’m seeing this on my form, but to help me look further into this, what browser and device are you using to edit your form? I’ll give it a try with the same one over here!

Thanks @Liz ! I’m using Chrome (Version 91.0.4472.114) on a Mac running MacOS Big Sur Version 11.1 (20C69).

Hi @lexieb I’m not sure why I didn’t think of this before, but is the question group the only set of questions you have on the form? If so, you’ll need to add another question group or single question in order to delete the question group since there needs to be at least one on the form. 

Thanks @Liz . Yes, this is the only question group in the form. That makes sense about not being able to delete the sole question group, but it seems weird that I also can’t delete a subquestion from the group when there’s only one group. 

I agree - definitely confusing! I’ll share that feedback. If you have any troubles deleting the question group after adding another question, let me know. :grinning:

Thank you. As I said in my original post, my form is intended to just have one question group, so the fact that this is my process for deleting subquestions is definitely not desired behavior. Thanks for passing the feedback along. 

My current process: 

  • Realize I no longer need a certain subquestion
  • Create a second question group
  • Delete my errant subquestion 
  • Delete the second question group

Preferred process: 

  • Realize I no longer need a certain subquestion
  • Delete it


Makes total sense - thank you, @lexieb ! 
