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Can I create a multiple choice question from a multiple answer of a previous question

If in Question 1, I have 8 choices, then a respondent needs to choose 4, can I use the 4 chosen answers as a new set of choices for the next question? Example: Choose your top 4 favorite fruits. then on the next question, among the 4 favorites, which is your favorite? (which the respondent would only choose 1)?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@RRx - nope.. Typeform does not yet have that capability natively… however there are some posts here in the Community that are similar about using the APIs to output the submission of the question to an external target then use the response to ‘build’ the next form/question on the fly and set it up.. 

not something i have done but some others who are much better with the api than I have talked about it.



@RRx Hello, have you tried to push the API solutuion, I might need the same or very similar mechanic.
@john.desborough Is it still not possible?

Thank you guys,
