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Hi there, I’m creating a pick your own adventure typeform using the template - but 8 questions into the form, the choice label text which I have created for each question isn’t appearing underneath the images I’ve added. Does anyone know why? Is it due to my subscription? I’m on the basic plan


Any ideas would be much appreciated - thanks!

Hi @imlilysmith thanks for stopping by! Do you happen to have the labels turned off by chance? I made a gif below to show you where this setting is. :grinning:


That’s exactly what happened - thanks so much for your help and the gif, Liz! :sweat_smile:

Ah perfect! Glad that helps, @imlilysmith . If there’s anything else I can help with, please let me know. :grinning:

How do I get the labels to show up when I’m in logic mode? It’s hard to know what I’m dealing with. 

Hi @Boxofplastic Those picture choice labels should already be appearing like this: 

