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"Create" page has limited settings. Can't access the "Create" page with settings such as making questions required. Please help!

Hi there!

When I go to the “create” section of my typeform, my settings are extremely limited. I can only add a new question type, and duplicate or delete a question. When I click on the question, I can only make typing edits, but can’t make edits such as making the question required. 

This is what it looks like on the “create page”


This is what it looks like when I click on a question. There are no setting options available.  


Only a few times have I accidentally accessed a different version of Typeform’s “create” page. And it looks like this, with wayyyy more setting options available. This is what it looks like (screenshot of images from Typeform’s help center).


How can I access this version of Typeform? Is this a browser issue I’m having? For more info, I have used Safari and Arc (a Chrome browser) to try to access this version of Typeform, and the default is the stripped version that I described in the beginning of this post. 

Somebody please help me resolve this! Thank you! 

Best answer by Liz

Hi @bendwiththewind Ah, thank you. Right now, we don’t support the Arc browser. You can view a list of the browsers/devices we support here. Could I have you try another browser such as Chrome? 

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  • November 11, 2022

Hi @bendwiththewind It looks like you’re using the builder on a mobile device. For the best experience and more additional settings, you’ll need to use the desktop version. 😁

Thank you for your response, Liz! I am on a Macbook Pro on Safari and a Chrome browser called Arc. How can I ensure that the Typeform website recognizes that I am on a desktop/laptop and not a mobile device?

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  • November 14, 2022

Hi @bendwiththewind Ah, thank you. Right now, we don’t support the Arc browser. You can view a list of the browsers/devices we support here. Could I have you try another browser such as Chrome? 

HI Liz! I tried Chrome, and I am still getting the mobile version. I see on the list of browsers/devices that Typeform supports Mac Safari and Firefox, and I am having the same problem on both of these as well! Also, I accept all cookies on the site and I am not using a VPN. Do you have any other solution ideas? 

Thanks for your continued support!

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  • November 24, 2022

@bendwiththewind - suggest you raise a ticket directly with Typeform Support.. they maybe able to better help you directly over the holiday weekend in the US  and give you a second vector of support.. here’s the link 



The problem turned out to have nothing to do with the browser I was using. I used Arc (a Chromium browser), Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox, the last 3 being Typeform supported browsers. None of these generated the desktop version of Typeform. 


The problem had something to do with the resolution of my computer. I was using the largest display text setting and when I changed it to the default or even a smaller text setting, I was able to get the desktop version. 


My theory is that the Typeform site auto detects the display screens resolution of my device. If it detects a resolution below a certain threshold, it will determine that I am on a phone or a tablet, and generate the mobile version of the Typeform site. Since my resolution was high (largest display text setting), like on a phone or tablet, I was given the mobile version of Typeform, regardless of the browser I was using. Changing the display text setting to a smaller size fixed the problem on all of the browsers I used to test this theory. 


If you have the same problem, try changing your display text settings (maybe to a smaller size) and re-visit Typeform to see if you can get the desktop version!


Typeform team, please add this to your troubleshoot page as it may help others experiencing the same problem!

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  • January 9, 2023

Hi @bendwiththewind Thanks for sharing that - really appreciate it! Never would have thought of the resolution. Were you able to use the Arc browser still after changing the resolution?