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Custom Variables in Question Optionss

  • 23 January 2023
  • 2 replies

Hi Typeform,


(Originally posted in VideoAsk by mistake)


Can the functionality to use Custom Variables as Questions Options be included.


For example, I have a list of names as options in a Multiple Choice question that will be repeated on many question screens in the same survey. Rather than having to go through and update each page with the names it would be good to be able to assign the names to Custom Variables and then “@” those variable names in the option text to pull them in where they are needed meaning that when I reuse that survey template for a different set of names then I just have to update the variable values instead of every question where they are used.


If there is an alternative to the above that already exists please also let me know.





Hi @ATS While we don’t have this feature, could you use logic jumps to show questions based on previous answers? 

I believe @john.desborough also had some sort of idea for this. I could be wrong!

Hi Liz,


Whilst I think logic jumps would work, if I repeat the Multiple Choice question say ten times then I will need to update the names in a lot of places which is prone to error.

