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Dynamic follow up questions

  • 4 June 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi everyone, 

I’m trying to create the following logic flow! Lemme if this is possible? 

Qn 1: What services did you use? (Multiple options allowed)

  1. Service A
  2. Service B 
  3. Service C
  4. Service D 

Based on the option selected, i want the user to be able to answer the following questions? E.g. If the user selected option (1) and (3). 

The follow up questions should be :

How satisfied were you from Service A?  

How satisfied were you from Service C?

If the user selected all options, there should be four follow up questions. 

Thank you in advance!


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@user1234 - welcome to the community from a fellow user. 

I have included a link to a simple demo form that is marginally more complex than your requirement: 

  • it has 4 choices on the multiple choice and the user can select multiple
  • based on the user’s selection, it takes you to a question group related to the first choice they made to answer the questions in that group, 
  • then it checks to see if another answer was selected in q1 and goes either to the next question group or to an ending page. 

i know it’s a little bit more complex (due to the added question groups) but the basic logic is similar:

  • at the end of q1, where you have the multiple possible selections, you need to use logic like this: 
    • if q1 = A, then go to q2 (the ‘how satisfied were you with A’ question - similar for the remaining)
    • if q1 = B, then go to q3
    • if q1 = C then go to q4
    • of q1= D then go tot q5
  • on q2 (the A response) you need to have the following logic:
    • if q1 = B then go to q3
    • if q1 = C then go to q4
    • if q1 = D then go to q5

this logic checks to see if  A and another choice were made. If on q1 A was not chosen then they won’t even get here


  • on q3 (the B response) you need:
    • if q1 = C then go to q4
    • if q1 = D then go to q5
  • on q4 (the C response) you need:
    • if q1 = D then go to q5
  • on q5 you just send them to the ending 

by using this ‘declining series’ logic, you have set up the progression through the questions and will catch the selections by the user. 

hope this helps and the example gives you an idea


