Hidden fields and UTM source disappeared | Community
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Hidden fields and UTM source disappeared


I put a survey together several months ago, with the help of the redoubtable JOHN DESBOROUGH of Ottawa. He was more help in a one-hour Zoom hand-hold than the whole Typeform back office put together over a month. So I am (a) eternally grateful for his support and (b) narked I can’t find the post I made at the time which bigged him up (sincerely!) for his expertise, generosity and kindness.

I came back today to copy out the code and settings etc which enabled me to collect people’s identities and then use the data acquired to personalise questions with firstnames.

Congratulations. It’s all gone. Don’t know how Typeform can claim they’ve made the UI easier, it wasn’t hard before. But all this hidden field stuff and utm source stuff has disappeared off the face of the Earth… a bit like Facebook apparently. Ain’t broke? Don’t fix it. Fix the things that are a bug bear, like the ability to give false email addresses… 

I cannot even begin to see where to start to replicate this.

3 replies

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5260 replies
  • October 5, 2021

@Sarah-Jane - welcome back.. and i am still here.. and humbled by your kind words.. 

Sorry to hear there are some troubles but i am certain that they can be solved 

The Community support team will be back on the clock shortly (Barcelona time) and I will be back around during Eastern time..

in the meantime, here’s an image to find the utm variables: click the gear icon first (1) then look down the list to find the utm variables (2)

 then toggle on the UTM variables you want.. 


to create or check on your hidden fields click the Logic tab then Advanced then you will see hidden fields

in the image below i show two hidden fields that i have created to RECEIVE the hidden fields when they are passed INTO the form 


Once you have created your hidden fields (the receivers) when  you publish and share your form you will see a link like the one below: 



In this example, this link is the one that you would use to send to someone already in your mailing list, BUT you would replace the xxxxx placeholders with the email address and firstname, respectively, from your list/crm. This way, when they click on the link, the email is already there in the form’s hidden variables along with the firstname 

then to see the firstname on the form, you would write something in your typeform question like this: 

Hey @firstname - welcome back! 

this would show the name that had replaced the xxxxx in the link above. - simply type the ‘@’ sign and you will see the list of variables - hidden and otherwise - and answers from the form that you can place on the page. 


ok… that’s all that i have time for tonight @Sarah-Jane - i hope that helps to get you caught up.. but if i missed the whole boat (and that is likely as i am short one coffee or two at this time of evening) then hang in there for a bit and all will be answered with the dawning of a new day



  • Community Team
  • 857 replies
  • October 5, 2021

Hi @Sarah-Jane , this sounds stressful, sorry to hear the settings have disappeared. 

You can find all your posts in your profile page, see here. Just scroll down a little. 

Did you contact our support team about this? 

I hope you don’t mind if I edit the title of your topic, we want to make sure the issue is easily ‘identified’ by others. And while code and UTM can certainly make something weep it’s easier for all if the title captures the issue itself. 

Let us know if this is of any help 🙏🏾


Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14857 replies
  • October 12, 2021

Hi @Sarah-Jane Just following back up on this? Did the support team help you? 
