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Hello everyone,

May I know if it’s possible to add a “SKIP” button in typeform?

Hi again, @carlo ! While it’s not possible to add buttons, you can change the text on existing buttons in the form. 

 Hi @Liz  there seems to be no “button” if the question type is File Upload. Is there a way to add button on this part? 

 Hi @Liz  there seems to be no “button” if the question type is File Upload. Is there a way to add button on this part? 


@carlo the button should appear if you scroll slightly past. If you’re still not seeing it, do you mind sending the URL of the form so I can take a look? 

Hi @Liz , in the CREATE page, it doesnt show, only in the PREVIEW portion.


Here’s the LIVE review.  The “okay” button does show, however, i cannot edit it and rename “okay” with “skip”


Hi @carlo Ah thank you! You can rename that under the system messages
