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How to create questions with a dropdown and open text box for each dropdown?

  • 30 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi everyone!

I am trying to create a survey where I want to ask companies to fill up which technologies are they involved in and for each of those technologies which of the 15 categories of an carbon emissions calculation are material to them. 

The best option in question type I have found is the Matrix where I could put all possible technologies in left-hand side column and give the option to select which of the categories are material with 15 columns (1 for each category). However, this is not optimal as the matrix would be really long with almost 100 rows and 15 columns, reducing the chances of getting responses.

Is there another way to create this question? The 2 options I have thought about are:

  1. Dropdown to select each technology which is applicable and having an open text box where you can write 1, 2, 3, etc as to what emission category(s) are material for each of those technologies.
  2. Dropdown to select each technology which is applicable and having the 15 columns to select what category is applicable in matrix form.

I haven’t found way to do either 1 or 2. Any advice on how I could create this? Or ideas of alternative ways to create this question, so it is practical and easy to answer.

Thank you!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @gresb Thanks for stopping by the community! I’m afraid we don’t have these field types available. Would it be possible to add short/long text questions instead and allow them to enter the text into those? It’s not the most ideal workaround. 
