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How to display full quiz results on completion of the form

  • 17 February 2021
  • 10 replies

Hi there, 

I have created a quiz which acts as a self assessment for anyone watching an online course. 

What I’d really like to do is display the results to the user but on the screen when they complete the form.  Ideally the last page would show which questions they got correct or incorrect with a link added to send them back to our site in the appropriate place to get the answers.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance!

10 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Kirsty_Redgate Thanks for hopping over to our community! :) 

You could use the recall variables feature to add all of the questions and answers onto the ending screen. The one downside to this is that it would show the answer, but wouldn’t mark it as right or wrong. Instead, it would look something like this on the setup: 


and on the live version after submitting the form, it would look like this: 

Would this work for you? :) 

Userlevel 1

Hi Liz, Thank you for this recommendation! I think this will work for me so I’ll give it a try.

Can I ask if there are any plans to add a feature where you can mark them as right or wrong?

Thanks for your help! 😊

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Kirsty_Redgate - let me know if you run into any troubles setting it up! Marking questions as right/wrong using the recall variables isn’t currently on our roadmap, but I’ll note the suggestion. :grinning:

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Liz - just a thought to test on this one: if you used logic branching to assign a correct/incorrect statement to a variable for each question, and used a yes/no question for a summary page showing something along the lines of this:

with the logic for the yes/no to support “Do you want to do the questions again to correct your mistakes?” = yes, then route them back to q1… no goes to next page with final summary. 


just a thought



Userlevel 7
Badge +5

@john.desborough Oooo! This is interesting - I didn’t think of this. Let me share with my colleague @ryan.terry who I’ve been bothering about creating logic jump tutorials for the community. :grinning:

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@john.desborough Oooo! This is interesting - I didn’t think of this. Let me share with my colleague @ryan.terry who I’ve been bothering about creating logic jump tutorials for the community. :grinning:

that was coffee inspired… not the scotch lol

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

@Liz - just a thought to test on this one: if you used logic branching to assign a correct/incorrect statement to a variable for each question, and used a yes/no question for a summary page showing something along the lines of this:

with the logic for the yes/no to support “Do you want to do the questions again to correct your mistakes?” = yes, then route them back to q1… no goes to next page with final summary. 



This would be amazing! I tested the theory, but since variables can only be numbers it would be really difficult to build. If you built an ending screen for each possible correct/incorrect combination and used logic jumps to send the user to the corresponding end screen, it could work. I tried this on an outer space quiz I’ve been working on, and even with a 4 question quiz, the amount of ending screens and logic jumps would be very time prohibitive. 


That being said, I do like creating a variable for “correct” and “incorrect” so that I can display that info at the end of the quiz! It gives more flexibility than recalling out of @score. Here’s how I set the logic:



...And the final screen on the quiz is set up like this:



A “self grading quiz” would be awesome in a future update!

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Liz - just a thought to test on this one: if you used logic branching to assign a correct/incorrect statement to a variable for each question, and used a yes/no question for a summary page showing something along the lines of this:

with the logic for the yes/no to support “Do you want to do the questions again to correct your mistakes?” = yes, then route them back to q1… no goes to next page with final summary. 



This would be amazing! I tested the theory, but since variables can only be numbers it would be really difficult to build. If you built an ending screen for each possible correct/incorrect combination and used logic jumps to send the user to the corresponding end screen, it could work. I tried this on an outer space quiz I’ve been working on, and even with a 4 question quiz, the amount of ending screens and logic jumps would be very time prohibitive. 


That being said, I do like creating a variable for “correct” and “incorrect” so that I can display that info at the end of the quiz! It gives more flexibility than recalling out of @score. Here’s how I set the logic:



...And the final screen on the quiz is set up like this:



A “self grading quiz” would be awesome in a future update!


@ryan.terry @Liz 


I would really like to see the option to set a variable up as a text string that can be recalled. I have a number of use cases for that right now - including this example: in a maturity assessment typeform, it would be really hand to be able to to set a text variable up that would flow something like this logic stream:

  • set ‘maturity-level’ to “Serious Condition”
  • add q1score to q1group-score
  • add q2 score to q1group-score
  • add q1group-score to score
  • etc through additional qgroups
  • if score is GT 12 and LTE 18, set ‘maturity-level to “Stable Condition”
  • if score is GT 18, set ‘maturity-level’ to “Healthy”
  • on a statement page, or equivalent, @recall ‘maturity-level’  and other messages about what you are going to do next.. 

i could then, potentially, redirect to a followup typeform (based on building the url along the lines of https://@recall maturity-level’…(??)) where the next set of questions is built/based on the segregation of the usee - instead of building out the potentially complex path-flow for all possible maturity levels in the initial typeform 





Userlevel 7
Badge +5

@john.desborough this is great - thank you!! I’ll note this as a helpful use-case, which definitely helps explain how expanding on the recall/variable feature would be beneficial! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Liz @ryan.terry - i think that now that the text variables are permitted, this solution to the use case is viable. 

i will be looping back to update my thinking but i wanted to call it back into your thought streams as well. 


