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How to modify "Choose as many as you want" in a multiple choice response?

Je ne trouve pas la possibilité de modifier le wording “Choisissez-en autant que vous voulez” dans une réponse à choix multiple.

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I can't find the option to change the wording “Choose as many as you want” in a multiple choice answer.

3 replies

Is there a way to change the text of “choose as many as you like” when you are using the multiple choice question?



Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @ArthurDemooz Welcome to the community! The language of the community is English, so I hope you don’t mind my reply in English. 

You can update the messages in the form in the system message settings. 😀

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @wini I’ve added your post here where we have a walkthrough on how to edit the messages in your form. 😀
