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How to populate timestamp on forms

  • 14 May 2021
  • 5 replies

I am planning to create a form that will be made accessible to anyone. I want to show on the welcome page a specific information: timestamp of when it was lastcompleted and who completed the form.


Is this possible?

Hi @willyu. Welcome to the Typeform Community :hugging:


This isn't an option at the moment, but I agree it'd be useful! So we can better understand your use case, do you mind sharing how this feature would benefit you? We're all ears! =)

So the Typeform will be shared with a group of people who will use it to complete a checklist during the shift. So when a team member arrives at a new shift, they will know if they still need to complete the checklist or not depending on the information that appears: last date/time checklist was completed

Hi @willyu. Thanks for sharing the use case!


I was wondering if you could share a google sheet with them, for example, so they can check who was the last one that completed the form. Do you believe that would work?

Hey @willyu 

If I may suggest an alternative, that would imply a bit of custom code.
This flow should work both using Zapier or Integromat.

1. store the time of the latest answer
on flow that is triggered on every new answer on the typeform, update the value with the time of submission.

2. Embed form on a page
Using snippets provided in the Share panel or the Embed SDK ,embed the form in the page.

3. Add a hidden field to your form to showcase the latest entry date

4. Create a new flow to retrieve the value stored in the database

  1. Once the page loads, make an API call to the flow created on #4, extract the value and pass it as a hidden field to the embedded form.


Hope it makes sense :)

Happy to go over this solution in more details if needed.

Was just wondering if the time-stamp is still not an option. I am using type form for COVID screening and when they complete the form at the end I would like there to be a date & time-stamp of when the screening was completed to make sure that it is current. Thanks
