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how to save data for multiple answer of same question in airtbale.

  • 15 July 2021
  • 2 replies


I have a form where user can add product one by one. But the problem is after entering details of one product, i gives an option of add another product. if yes, then they goes back to first question. But the first product is already there. What should i do?

Please help

Thanks in advance


Can i add a logic that jumps to other typeform? Where user can add another product?


Hi @rav29 !

I’m not sure and understood your question right, but it looks like the easiest way would be use logic to jump to another set of questions (not another Typeform, but inside the same form).

If you’re working with a form with lots of questions, maybe the answer would be submit the form for the first product and hit the send another one] button to start over with the second product.

To integrate the answers to Airtable, maybe the second approach would work better in my opinion.
