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How to set minimum character in long text form?

I need to to have a long text form that have minimum 2500 character and maximum 2600 character. How can I set this?

Hello @Arief! Welcome to the Typeform Community! :hugging:

I hope you're having a nice experience here! 

Unfortunately, there's no way you can set up a minimum amount of characters in your long text question. However, you can choose a maximum number of characters! 

You just need to add this question type, toggle on the button "Max characters" and set up the maximum number of characters. Take a look below to check on how you can do this! 

Screen Recording 2021-07-26 at 09.42.56 AM

Don't forget to comment on this thread to let us know if you were able to do that! We hope you will! Have a nice day! :sunglasses:

We also need a minimum amount of characters. Once you've tried the power of having to answer something in at least x amount of characters (and you then are forced to think deeper) you won't be able to go back to the old free length questions. This is extremely useful for LMSs and serious questionaires. And also, from an IT perspective this is so simple to implement once you have the maximum amount of characters done. Please consider this for a future feature. Other platforms have it, it's so weird you don't. 

Also very much down for this feature! Thanks for considering.

Hey @Klara! Welcome to our Community! Can you let me know how this feature would be helpful to your use case? 

Hi Gabi, thanks for your reply! We use Typeform for applications and feedbacks. In application we ask for respondent’s motivation (short cover letter) and in feedbacks for testimonial or ‘what have I learnt so far’ kind of question. In both cases we’d like to set a minimum required number of characters so that respondents are not answering with 1 short sentence those questions that are really important for us to evaluate. Attaching an example. Does it make sense? Thank yoU!


This is also one of the key features we need and the format that can offer this we will use for all of our user reviews.

I also need this feature, hope ti have it soon, any feedback about the roadmap ?

Thanks for your message @Maudwal @svenddddd and @Klara! I believe this feature is not currently in our roadmap. Can you confirm that, @Liz

No plans of this yet, but if anything changes, @Maudwal , we’ll post about it here. 😀

Is this issue available now?

Hi @nav123 This isn’t a feature we offer, but as always, we’ll post any changes here. 

Following up on this.


This is a basic feature that every form tool supports, its very weird that TypeForms refuse to support it.

@nathanhunter15 I’ve asked the product team if there are any updates on if/when this feature will be added. I’ll post again here once I’ve heard back. 😀

Would be great to have this! We’re exploring investing significant resource building our own form just because we can’t go without a min char limit for our use case.

@Liz Do you have any update? I think it is a basic feature, also with adding controls like symbols in the answer.

I also really need this. We take applications for a high level program and receive a lot of spam in the form of half-hearted answers. It wastes a lot of time for our reviewers. The ability to set a minimum character count, even just on the long text question type, would be immensely helpful. And I can’t imagine it would take that long to code. I know you have a backlog and there’s a product manager somewhere who’s gatekeeping it, but come on Typeform, this thread is 2 years old now...

Hi @cmhanson I’ve added your vote to our feature request board. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your feedback on this. 

Hi @cmhanson I’ve added your vote to our feature request board. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your feedback on this. 

Thanks @Liz

Please do implement such a feature. It is easy to implement and quite important...

Hi, @Liz ! Are there any updates? We need this feature as well. This feature is very important for lead scoring tools, and currently we can’t do anything about it. Two years has passed from the first request… It will be great, if we can have this feature 

Hi @mg101 I’m afraid no updates at the moment, but if that changes, you know I’ll share it here first!

Hi @Liz could you add me to that feature request as well. We just started using typeform and minimum characters being set is more useful to us than max characters. When asking users to fill out a form they will normally “summarize” and we have minimum requirements we have to meet so we need to be able to pass on those requirements.

That I can do, @lquimby ! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your use case. 😀

Hi, @Liz - a minimum character feature would be really helpful for the form I am working on. If there’s already a Max character setting, a Min setting shouldn’t be too hard to add… can this request please be implemented?

Adding your vote to the feature request, @asfff !
