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How to share files via Typeform?

  • 1 June 2021
  • 1 reply


Estou tentando incluir alguns documentos no meu formulário, para que a pessoa que receber o link possa responder as perguntas, fazer upload de arquivos e baixar o documento, porem na parte de compartilhar os arquivos, não estou conseguindo.


Alguém me ajuda? 


-- Google Translation Below -- 


I'm trying to include some documents in my form so that the person who receives the link can answer the questions, upload files and download the document, but in the part of sharing the files, I'm not succeeding.

Someone help me?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @People & Culture welcome to our corner of the internet! The language of the community is English, so I hope you don’t mind my response in English. Please let me know if I misunderstood anything!

We don’t have a way to share files within the form itself, but you could host the files elsewhere, such as on Dropbox or Google Drive, and then hyperlink to the URL within the form. Would that solution work for you? 
