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I want to create a user form where user can report multiple entry records. For example:
Question 1: User ID:  


Question 2: Record Name: 


Question 3: Quantity:

10 lbs 

Question 4: Enter another Record? 

Yes → go to Q2 and allow user to add a new record 

No  → Exit


Hi @yile Thanks for stopping by! Our forms don’t automatically add extra fields, so you would first need to create as many duplicate fields as you think might be filled out on the form by the user. Then, you can use logic jumps to only show them if they apply using the setup here. Does this help a bit? :grinning:

@yile @Liz 

from another user here.. @Liz - this is a little bit like the ‘looping’ logic we were trying to figure out to help me with my multiple tshirt orders, at least i think.. 

@yile - my suggestion (and i used this approach to solve my order problem above) would do the following:

  • make a determination or assumption on the maximum number of entries that someone will put into the system at one time - remember this is NOT a data base entry form 
    • let’s say that 10 would be the right number
  • create a question group and then create all the entry questions to collect for the first record as you describe above. 
    • last question INSIDE the question group (call it qg1 for simplicity) is a Yes/No question that has the following logic:
      • Do you want to make another entry? if yes, jump to qg2 page (or to qgN page depending on which one you are on) or if no, go to exit
    • rinse and repeat until they get to the last question group and instead of a Yes/No question you use a statement question to say “that’s all we are going to let you enter right now. if you have more, you will need to click the “let’s add some more” button coming up shortly” 
      • send the user to ending page where you have the ability to cliick add more if you want or shut the window down

this will let you cycle through the number of questions they have to input up to the max.

one hint for creating the multiple question groups: create one complete question group first, then on the question group starting page, click on the little dots to the side and duplicate the question group, not just the individual questions. that will quickly create the number of question groups for you .. then you can work on the logic branching.. 




@Liz @john.desborough  thank you both for the comments; i thought about that possibility after posting the questions. yep, i will follow you suggestions; but still, wish Typeform could release something to cover this function in the future. 

Hoping so, too, @yile ! I’ll share the feedback with our product team. 
