Inquiry Regarding Tracking and Displaying Selected Options in Typeform Quiz Results | Community
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Inquiry Regarding Tracking and Displaying Selected Options in Typeform Quiz Results


We are currently revising a quiz hosted in Typeform and we have a specific requirement related to tracking user selections of equity-related answer options spread across different questions in the quiz. Our goal is to provide participants with feedback on their level of engagement with equity-related content by displaying a summary of their selections on the ending results page.

Is it possible to track and aggregate user selections of certain answer options across multiple questions in Typeform? Specifically, we'd like to know if we can:

  1. Keep track of which "equity" options individuals select throughout the quiz.
  2. Count the total number of "equity" options selected by an individual across all questions.
  3. Display a summary on the quiz results page indicating the total number of "equity" options selected by each participant.

We appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to achieve this functionality within the Typeform platform.

Best answer by Liz

Hi @Feedback Labs Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. 

If the individuals are selecting those options and submitting it with their answers, you could use variables to track how many of each they are selecting. 

From there, you could then use our recall feature at the end of the form to display their answers and/or how much of each equity option. 

Would something like this work for you? 

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  • February 5, 2024

Hi @Feedback Labs Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend. 

If the individuals are selecting those options and submitting it with their answers, you could use variables to track how many of each they are selecting. 

From there, you could then use our recall feature at the end of the form to display their answers and/or how much of each equity option. 

Would something like this work for you? 

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  • February 12, 2024

Hi @Feedback Labs hope you had a good weekend! Don’t forget to let us know if Liz’s suggestions work or if you need any more help with this 😊

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  • February 15, 2024

Thanks for so much for the helpful follow ups! I’m trying to test it out but getting stuck when it comes to choosing Replace under the second dropdown menu to change the variable’s value. I see the option “Go to” under Logic and the various calculations, but there’s no Text option showing on my end. Could you advise how I might be able to resolve this?

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  • February 15, 2024

Hi @Feedback Labs Do you mind sharing a screenshot of what you’re seeing as well as how you have the variables setup? Thanks in advance!

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  • February 15, 2024


Please disregard the previous question. I realized I didn't set up the test variable correctly. Please see set up above and let me know if that makes sense.

My new question is what do you recommend I put after Replace (variable) = ? given there might be questions where multiple response options are “equity” focused and we want to capture in the cumulative tally? 

Also in the test I specified decision makers since the question is related to them, whereas the next question relates to staff so I was thinking of making an equity_staff variable, etc. But would it be easier/ make more sense just to have equity as a repeating variable and specify the equitable responses regardless of which question they belong to that way?

I should also mention our current Quiz ending uses the Score based logic set up and the ending sorts respondents based into their scores. Just wanted to confirm whether I’d be able to add the recall feature on the endings once variables are figured out.


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  • February 16, 2024

@john.desborough is great with variables and might be able to offer some advice on this!

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  • February 16, 2024

@Feedback Labs - you can use variables on endings. here is a screenshot of the ending page of one of my sample quizzes


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  • February 19, 2024

Thanks for confirming John, I'll be sure to play around with the ending when I get to that stage. In the meantime did you have any advice regarding how best to set up the variables given there will be questions with multiple embedded response options that we want to capture in the cumulative tally at the end? 

As shown in the screenshots above, in the test I specified decision makers as variable name since the question is related to them and after = specified one of the equity focused answers verbatim. However it will likely be the case that more than one response option is equity focused.

While tinkering I found out that variable names have to be different so if I were to name the variables equity_response1, equity_response2, equity_response3, etc = each equity related response that could be chosen across all questions, what would be the end logic for the tally given our quiz uses text and not number/ scores? 

Thanks in advance for any advice/ clarity you might be able to provide!

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  • February 19, 2024

To help illustrate the question/ desired ending better, please see above screenshot. What we'd like is to be able to include a section on the results page that says "of the X possible equity options, you selected X". Is there a way use the score feature here given that we’re using custom variables or is is it only possible to list out the selected corresponding options?



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  • February 19, 2024

@Feedback Labs --


  • if q3 = D add 1 to @equity_categoy1 
  • if q3 = A add 1 to @equity_category2
  • do this for each area where you want to track subtotals


  • at the end of the quiz you can add the subtotals together into a total score
    • add @equity_category1 to v_total
    • add @ equity_categor2 to v_total
    • etc

you can evaluate which subtotal is highest to send the user to an ending.. (different logic)


in the summary of what you display to the user: 

Here’s feedback you provided: 

  • for decision makers:
    • from q3 (repeat the text) you chose @q3
    • from q4 you chose @q4
    • (where the @ q# is the way to recall and display what was selected ie the text of the prompt)
  • For staff members
    • from q2 you chose @2
    • etc

you don’t have to add the prompt choices to a text variable to display them. 


just my thoughts on a bank holiday monday



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  • February 20, 2024


Thanks John, this was super helpful! I bypassed subtotals and set up v_total score as shown above and it’s working great. However, I next wanted to ask if instead of: from q3 you chose @q3; from q4 you chose @q4, etc. there is a way to show to just the equity focused options selected during the quiz on the ending page.

If I use the recall @q3 feature it lists all of the equity & non equity responses while we would like to only highlight the few directly chosen ones that are sprinkled in across the quiz. Would this be a possibility? In the screenshots below you’ll see I experimented with a test text variable but it’s not ideal. 


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  • February 20, 2024

@Feedback Labs ..


so you could write a bunch of text and then in the middle of it display @question_answer_selected right here like that or you could show the @variable_name in a sentence like this … 


you might have to add the response selected to a series of variables - like you described earlier where you needed to revise the name of the variable.. ie if you want to show three specific choices then you would use the logic rules to populate the variables .. 


