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Is it possible to dynamically propose new fields according to a given parameter

  • 23 August 2023
  • 4 replies

Dear Community,

my need is to collect event’s attendees names and emails, but limiting the number of attendees each referent can add to the form, according to a pre-defined or external number I provide in advance.

In other words, I send the form to a contact person which is referent for other 5 attendees, but I want to make sure he cannot add more than 6 people in total. For each attendee I just collect Name, Surname, e-mail address. Before sending each form, I want to specify somewhere in Typeform that that specific form is only for 6 people and no more.

How do you suggest me to achieve this configuration?
Thank you very  much for your help,

Hi @daudaxx Happy Wednesday! While it’s not possible to automatically generate/update fields according to hidden field data passed into the form, you could first add all of the possible questions that could be asked on the form. 

Then, you would use this logic jump setup to show only the ones that apply based on the hidden fields. 

@daudaxx - if you are pre-determining this when you are creating the form that ANY user can only add a max of 6 attendees, you could do the following:

  • create a variable to act as a counter ie v_counter = 6 
    • i set it to the maximum number you mentioned.. it could be 10 if that was the max you chose
  • create a question group to capture all the information on the first attendeeds
    • duplicate this question group 5 times so that you have all the q-groups in place
  • on the next to last question in the question group, you put in a logic rule or two ike this:
    • if v_counter is greater than 0 then subtract 1 from v_counter
    • if v_counter is = 0 then go to ending 
    • if v_counter is greater than 0 to to the next question 
  • the ‘next question’ would be a yes/no question that would ask the user if they wanted to add another attendee - this would be the last question in the question group
    • if qN (add another) = NO then go to ending 
    • if qN (add another) = YES then go to the next question group 

the net result - the v_counter variable will decline with each question group until it hits 0 - so you will have allowed them to enter the max number of attendees. you also give them an ‘escape route’ if they only want to add one to four more by choosing NO. 


hope that helps… @Liz  - i think there are some examples in the Help Centre on this as well as some other posts in the Community on this .. 



I need a form that asks for the name and email address of multiple people and allows the respondent to determine the number of people they include on the form


Hi @cswitzer123 I added your post here where we have an existing conversation about this. 😀
