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Is it possible to export the form content (questions, choices, logics), not the result, in pdf or Excel ?


Is it possible to export the form content (questions, choices, logics), not the result, in pdf or Excel ?




This is my honest question which is revolving for weeks in my head. 


I really want to trade a portion of our reviews as PDF's for documentation purposes and I have seen some talk on here from a year prior about having this usefulness, has this been settled at this point?


How to do this? 

Hi @AniaAnia and @Jasoon I’ve added your posts here where we have more information on this. 😁


I also need to export some of our surveys as PDF’s and I have seen some chat on here from a year ago about having this functionality, has this been resolved yet?



Hi @Marcela Gaviria This isn’t a feature we offer, but definitely suggest using the workarounds mentioned in this post! 

It's a real pain not being able to share survey contents (inc logic) with a wider audience. Especially with plans being limited to 3 to 5 users.

I've spend a some hours to make something that takes in survey definition json files that can be downloaded through their API or their Request data function and generates a somewhat human readable overview. This overview could then also be saves as pdf.
Give it a try at:
Contributions are welcome at:

Thanks for sharing this, @peteruithoven !

i would also like a export function. I use Typeform for research and it is necessary to share with people an overview of the whole survey so they can see the order of questions/answers etc. I do not code so the JSON export is useless for me. This is one of the things that makes me want to go back to qualtrics.

@lancswork you might be able to use for now? You can easily export it as pdf.

More info:


@lancsworkyou might be able to use for now? You can easily export it as pdf.

More info:


Yes, thanks this is a very good work around. But I find it quite surprising this is not included as a feature.

It's a real pain not being able to share survey contents (inc logic) with a wider audience. Especially with plans being limited to 3 to 5 users.

I've spend a some hours to make something that takes in survey definition json files that can be downloaded through their API or their Request data function and generates a somewhat human readable overview. This overview could then also be saves as pdf.
Give it a try at:
Contributions are welcome at:

This is amazing - thank you!!



Hi @kayles and @Eivinj anything we can help answer for you? 

It's a real pain not being able to share survey contents (inc logic) with a wider audience. Especially with plans being limited to 3 to 5 users.

I've spend a some hours to make something that takes in survey definition json files that can be downloaded through their API or their Request data function and generates a somewhat human readable overview. This overview could then also be saves as pdf.
Give it a try at:
Contributions are welcome at:

THIS IS AMAZING AND JUST MADE MY DAY! Typeform should pay you for this. OMG.

Glad that helped, @jsteed !! 😀

I am seeking a method to achieve what seems to be the same objective as many here, to output the submitted data to a PDF form.  There is supposedly the ability to integrate TypeForm with PDF applications through intermediation platforms such as Zapier or IFTTT.  I would really like to collaborate with others who are on this journey, as it is not a trivial pursuit. 

In addition, I would like to be able to populate portions of the TypeForm with data from PDF form fields, and allow a dynamic aggregation of the information, where the best input medium is utilized for different contexts.

Hi @illuminoughtu Thanks for stopping by! Let us know if you have any questions on the way or if you do end up collaborating with anyone from the community. 

I don’t have a coding background. I have downloaded the .json file, followed the link above, then attempted to upload the .json

Nothing happens. Am I missing a step?

Would like to add my disappointment that this is not a feature. It is possibly the reason our organisation will move away from TypeForm. If I can’t figure out the export workaround, there is almost no chance I could expect my staff to. Typeform, you are losing customers to competiors over this. Please do something about it. 

Hi @enthusiastichel Do you mind sharing how you’re uploading the JSON? And if you also don’t mind your sharing your use case for exporting/importing the forms, that would be helpful for our product team to know!

Hello everyone,

It would be really crucial to add an option to extract the form in PDF mode.

Not the results, only the form

we need it for sharing, for records ecc
It would be great if you could add the option



Hi @CarlaPEM Thanks for stopping by the community! I moved your question here where we have an existing conversation about this. 

It's a real pain not being able to share survey contents (inc logic) with a wider audience. Especially with plans being limited to 3 to 5 users.

I've spend a some hours to make something that takes in survey definition json files that can be downloaded through their API or their Request data function and generates a somewhat human readable overview. This overview could then also be saves as pdf.
Give it a try at:
Contributions are welcome at:

Thanks a lot! 

There might be a bug. I uploaded the .json file and nothing happens. Did I miss something?

I don’t have a coding background. I have downloaded the .json file, followed the link above, then attempted to upload the .json

Nothing happens. Am I missing a step?

Would like to add my disappointment that this is not a feature. It is possibly the reason our organisation will move away from TypeForm. If I can’t figure out the export workaround, there is almost no chance I could expect my staff to. Typeform, you are losing customers to competiors over this. Please do something about it. 

Same here. 

Another user here who has a need to export our Typeform survey to pdf.

Seems like a fairly basic function and would certainly be appreciated! Hope to see this feature added.
