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Hi All,


I am based in Melbourne, Victoria. I looking for someone to help me finish a project that's half completed.

It is a multiple choice basic “training program” that we want to roll out to our customers. It will involve watching a video and answering some multi choice questions. The video is on our YouTube Channel. 

I have been left high and dry by the person that did the work so far.  The link is connected to a QR code so users can do the training.

Thanks in advance,


Hey @George_Seeking Help! Welcome to the Typeform Community :hugging:

We've started partnering with agencies that can provide this type of service to Typeform users. These agencies have all put in the time to become certified Typeform partners, so you'll be in good hands should you seek out any of their expertise.

To check out our growing Agency Directory, just head over here, and to see how they might be able to help, hit 'Learn more' under any of the available agencies.

Hope this helps! :blue_heart:

Hi George,


I will be able to help you, my 6 figure business is build on Typeforms that I have created. Our clients include Google and Red Bull.


Take a look at my gig on Fiverr (


Thanks in advance.
