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Matrix Logic

  • 15 May 2022
  • 8 replies


I am new to typeform and have just started creating quizzes for user development and education. I have run into an issue assigning logic to matrix questions. Am I able to assign a correct answer for a matrix question similar to how i can create a rule for a multiple choice? Example: The user selects the correct “column” that corresponds with the appropriate “row.” I would then send the user to the next statement slide informing them “incorrect” or “correct.”

Thank you

@lance randles - unfortunately at this time, Typeform has no logic rule capability for matrix questions. (it’s a pain .. trust me! ) 



In our surveys, we frequently use matrix-style questions. Is there a projected date for when TypeForm will be fully functional?

Since we frequently need to assign variables and divide the survey further depending on responses in the matrix questions, we are specifically looking for the presently lacking capability to work with the matrix in the survey logic (advanced just for beginnings if need be is OK).

Advanced piping would be ideal but is not required.

Is there an update on creating logic conditions for Matrix questions? 

Well there goes a few hours of my life. This is such a basic feature, it’s staggering that this doesn’t already exist.

Any update here?! It's a basic necessity!! 

upvoting all of this; not having branching logic on matrix questions is forcing us to re-evaluate our subscription with typeform

For want you guys charge is insane to me that this isn’t a feature. Especially given how many Google searches came up from users looking for improved matrix functionality. I just assumed this would exist and now I’m looking alternate program instead. 

Any solution on how to go around this? I have a 9x5 matrix and want to create basic survey logic based on the answers. Any tools other than Typeform to consider? There’s so many logic limitations that it makes Typeform unusable if you don’t want to spend half of your life creating the logic manually or upsetting your respondents with long surveys

Also, how can I upvote this issue so the Typeform team takes notice? Do not see an option to do that
