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Matrix of dropdowns and "other"?

  • 30 June 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi Hive mind

On surveymonkey you have an option to have a matrix which utilses dropdowns in the columns.  Can I do similar in typeform?


Also how can i add an “other” option, i.e. a comment box to a question?  Is this possible?




Hi @VAADA. Happy Wednesday :hugging:


It's not possible to have a matrix with dropdown options in the columns at the moment. The team will keep improving the New Builder over the next months and I hope this is one of the things we'll include. =)


Regarding the "Other" option, this is available when you're using a Multiple Choice question. You can learn more about that here


Please let us know if you have any further questions and we'll be happy to help! =)


Thanks for the update :thumbsup:
