
Matrix questions don't appear properly on mobile?

Userlevel 1

These questions types don't appear to be responsive in design?


Best answer by Liz 6 October 2021, 20:41

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26 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @mnatarelli Happy Wednesday! Would you mind sending a screenshot of what you’re seeing and what specifically isn’t responsive about it? That will help me see if there is a bug or send feedback to our product team!

Userlevel 1

@Liz thanks you for the quick note. Here are some screen shots. Its a basic three column matrix. showing you results on my phone (lots of resolution as it is the new 13 pro max), preview and the question layout as a ref. 


Userlevel 7
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Ah, I see. The biggest frustration with this is having to scroll through the matrix, right? Is there anything you’d like to see differently with the mobile version of the matrix? Thanks in advance, @mnatarelli !

Userlevel 1

Yes, users won't scroll left/right and so either I feel restricted in the number of columns or the amount of copy on the left most column. 

Ideally the chart has to lock to the 4” width and therefor padding and spacing must adjust to that limitation. 

Userlevel 7
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That makes sense, @mnatarelli . I probably wouldn’t realize the need to scroll, either, if I didn’t work here ha! I’ll share this feedback with our product team, and if you think of any other questions/suggestions, let us know. 

Userlevel 1

Good day How do we make the question lock  like when you Freeze top row in Excel, but instead in the form so its not lost when scrolling.


Thank you 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Tshidik We don’t have an option to freeze a question within a form exactly, but if you use a Question Group, the overall question in the Question Group will appear at the top of the form until the respondent has answered all of the questions in the group like this: 

Would something like that work for you? 

Userlevel 2

We just started testing this out for 360 reviews and monthly short feedback from staff and we couldn’t believe that the matrix doesn’t work on mobile.  We had the same issue with google forms and people just do not scroll.  I would suggest putting the title of the question on a separate line to give more space for selecting the answer.  I can understand how it would be hard to fit a 10 point scale on mobile but the fact that a 5 point doesn’t fit is pretty frustrating.  Thanks for listening to my feedback!

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for sharing, @Wilmheath ! 😀

Userlevel 2

Hi, just checking in to see if there is a chance of this being fixed?  Is there a place that shows what you are working on, priorities, etc?  I love companies that have open communication with their customers.  Thanks for your time.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Wilmheath I asked our product team, and while they are aware of the issue, it isn’t on the roadmap until Q4 or later. 

It’s kinda weird that you make a survey system, where basic likert scale matrixes are useless on mobile. We’re a major company that was about to use Typeform, but this had us looking for another system. :-(

Userlevel 2

Hi there, just checking in on this again to see if it has moved up in priorities.  We are having to require our survey’s for staff be filled out on computer’s but with how high the % of mobile users are I can’t believe this isn’t at a much higher priority.  It has made the Matrix completely useful for any survey where someone might fill it out on a phone.  Thanks so much for considering my feedback.

Hi all, I agree that this is highly disappointing from typeform. Matrix scales are pretty fundamental tools for social science and psychology, but you cant use them on mobiles with typeform. A simple work-around would be to freeze the top row (the likert-scale answers) like in excel. Please can this be fixed as a matter of priority. 

Hello ! I have the same problem.. Do you know when it’s gonna be fixed ? We can’t use the matrix question because of the view on mobiles.. :/

Hello. Bumping this to see if there is a timeline for fixing the matrix format for mobile. Thanks.

Hi there - bumping again, as would really like to see this fixed for mobile.

Adding my voice in here, its not great that the mobile versions of these questions is so poorly optimised. Here’s a comparison of the same question from SurveyMonkey vs Typeform





Userlevel 7
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Thanks for sharing, @PicCollage !


Any news on this?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @ReneNL thanks for checking on this one, I have raised it with our product team again and they’ve advised they have plans for improvements to the mobile view experience, so as soon as we have some more information we will post it here 😊

I am a research professional and was about to get typeform for my business, but this one is a no go… 

Another member just show you an example of how SurveyMonkey does it on mobile, you cannot keep a Matrix when you go responsive…

For me it’s a total blocker for a tool which is supposed to make life easier, you should focus on basic features like that instead of adding useless AI everywhere.

Userlevel 2

I’ve been very very patient waiting for this to be fixed. Since there was good communication from Typeform I assumed that this would be fixed and prioritized in a timely manner.  I couldn’t agree more with what Aldozi said.  We are going to look for another solution.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Wilmheath Thanks for stopping by the community. We’ve shared this feedback with the product team, but they’re currently working on some larger features. While this hasn’t been prioritized, keep an eye out here for any changes! We also understand if you need to use a different product that can adjust the matrix on mobile a bit better. 

Hi All.. sharing my similar frustration in case another voice will help raise the priority. i was equally shocked matrix questions aren’t handled better on mobile. I would not have selected Typeform had I known this. (And also you can’t branch from a matrix response.)  I’m now hesitant to even release a survey with matrix questions since I’m not sure I can trust the results and feel a need to add a (please note the need to scroll) on your mobile phone which is just lame. 

Is there any update on this fix? (And this should be considered a high priority bug, not a feature).

Thanks! and Please?

