Is it possible to display several questions in one page for the user view?
For example, I wanted to show first name, last name and email in one page
Yes, I’d LOVE the ability to put multiple questions on one screen. I’m getting feedback that’s it’s annoying for visitors to jump to multiple screens on certain situations. Like first and last name and addresses. Please make this happen! This is one of the barriers that’s keeping us from using Typeform more often.
I want to know how I can display 2 questions on the same module when I integrate the typeform to my site?
For example: Enter the email address AND choose from a drop-down list.
I drop you an image for illustrate this :

Thank you !
Thanks for this switch, let me know when the option will be available.
Hi All, Trying to create a type form that automates into our CRM (Pipedrive) We need to ask several people their names and email addresses in a single form. Is there any possibility to ask their name and email address on a single slide rather than two
Hi Typeform Developers,
Would it be possible to start exploring whether we could have multiple answer fields on a single page? When we are sending out larger type forms trying to collect contact information for several different stakeholders, it is incredible frustrating to keep on asking for their names and contact emails / phones number on different slides.
I understand response rates were lower when you put several questions on a single slide, but is a poor UX/UI experience to have a 30 page form which could be condensed to 15. Would it be possible to explore this possibility as there seems to be several request for it? Also would it affect automation between systems? We would still like to automate these dual question slides to other software platforms based on responses? Thanks
Hi We only show one question at a time on the form because we’ve noticed higher levels of engagement and completion vs using a standard form. We don't have an option for a single page/traditional style of form or the ability to show multiple questions at the same time. I hope this answers your question, but please let me know if you think of anything else!
You’ve seen the these counterpoints, but allow me to put them together as a cohesive argument, backed by world leaders in interaction design and research:
You’ve forced violation of interaction design Principle of Least Astonishment:
“components should in a way that users expect it to behave based on similar interactions with other systems.
- In other forms, paper or digital, users expect first and last name in the same step
- (see also Jakob’s Law of Internet User Experience)
Typeform has no ability to parse answers into separate data fields.
(ex. treat space
as delimiter to separate “John Doe” into “John” and “Doe”)
- More questions increases respondents’ perceived burden / cognitive load
- If Typeform isn’t open to allowing multiple response fields, adding parsing on the backend is a compromise, albeit a non-inclusive one (i.e. users with multiple first or last names aren’t treated equally; John Paul Jones—whose first name is “John Paul” is not parsed correctly, nor is Kim Kardashian West)
LOTS of typeforms, including Typeform’s own, ask “What should we call you?” or “What’s your name?” Without clarifying “What’s your first name?” respondents enter their full name, move on to the next question “...and your last name?” and then either:
- have to backstep to revise their previous answer → increased burden / time
- don’t correct the first answer and retype their last name → dirty data
granted you raise valid points but let’s consider some of the alternatives to your counter
- most of us pull the response data out of typeform and into another system, so that gives us the ability to parse “john doe” into first and last names - simple and easy to do even in Google Sheets; survey design knowing the rules of the tool and how it plays allows you to get creative in how you use those tools
- Typeform may not be the answer to every possible survey/assessment type, we have to deal with that
- dirty data - up to us to do better survey design up front and parse out the dirty data in the back end - again this tool may not, and doesn’t, address all interaction types
- why does this tool have to be like every other tool? why does the user experience have to be the same as other tools? suggest you watch the video at this link and have a think on which part of the Venn diagram that is show is the target market we need to deal with.
- not everyone has to fall in line with what everyone else is doing - what we need to do is look at how WE want to deal with our customers and if we can do that with Typeform, yay, and if this tool is not the right tool for your specific needs, then find one that does meet your needs.
Perfectly valid arguments, and I agree that every tool shouldn’t be the same, but it also shouldn’t force you to adhere to one particular model. And from a business perspective, making the tool more versatile means more users and more revenue.
I also updated my post and addressed your comment about why using parsing, particular for name fields, is not inclusive, particularly of certain cultures, nor a clean method. (i.e. users with multiple first or last names aren’t treated equally; John Paul Jones—whose first name is “John Paul” is not parsed correctly, nor is “Kim Kardashian West”). These are western names as examples only, but this is particularly problematic in certain countries.
How we use data in our organizations is up to us to determine if we have data of the ‘right quality’ - using your name example, that is not typeform’s job, necessarily, to enable the inclusivity of 3 part names - that is OUR business process to deal with how we will ingest and use the data. My wife is Chinese and I appreciate the cultural differences about how names are presented.
There are limits of expectation on whether this software or any software will ever be ‘ultimately inclusive’ of every possible permutation and combination, based on their business model, investment intentions and the capabilities inherent in their defined product direction. This is just one club in my golf bag or one tool in my toolbox and, given and understanding its limitations/constraints, i know where and how i will intend to use it. I also have my own asks into the product development side as well but i don’t ever expect that Typeform will become a ‘Swiss Army Knife’ with every possible utility under the sun.. lol.
just my opinion and as my gran used to tell me, opinions are like backsides - some (like mine) are just bigger than others!
Are there any particular use cases you’d like to share for field parsing such as integrations you connect with? That’ll help me share a further use-case with them for splitting up fields or allowing more than one field per line. I can certainly see why this would be handy, especially in the case of names.
Hi Everyone,
We have been working on creating a form. The way Typeform works is that you get a single question on a single page. We want to integrate multiple questions on a single page. We have tried Group question builder already however the outcome is not satisfactory . We saw a video on youtube that had the outcome that we are looking for. Can you’ll please help us out with creating a form like this.
Attaching the Youtube video link for quick reference -
I moved your question here where the answer is. Thanks for sharing the video! It's useful to see what you were referring to. Regarding that, this interface was the old version of Typeform. Since 2017, the tool has been updated and this is one of the changes we have made.
Let us know if you have any other questions and we'll be happy to help!
Hi community
For me the option of showing all questions at once is vital.
Respondents complain all the time to me that if they need feedback from colleagues the fact that they cannot see all questions at once makes this totally impossible to use - as they cant ask for input from colleagues other than question by question.
Please add this feature!
LOL is it possible to ask multiple questions on the same page of the form? No. But I wanted to ask it anyway.
You see...we use a popup for an optin. User clicks one button, popup appears, enter first name and email, submit, get access to free training! Simple. We don’t need anything fancy. I would like to do this with Typeform because it integrates nicely with our CRM. Alas, I cannot.
BTW, we just want the functionality to use what you already use yourselves at Typeform. Do you think the below experience would be improved by stepping people through multiple steps? You’d be crazy if you did! I get your tool is what it is, but don’t overcomplicate things. Sometimes, people just need a hammer, not a jackhammer.

Just wanted to add a nuance based on the answers you gave in this thread.
While some may indeed be asking for single-page forms (which I understand you not providing is a differentiator), I think most are actually talking about question groups, or maybe even form sections.
Typeform shouldn’t look like google forms. We want to keep the engaging, focused experience, but would like the option to group certain questions on a screen. The result would not be a single-page form with 8 questions, but potentially a 3-screen form with 2, 4 and 2 questions. Questions per group could be limited and, I think this has consensus, should never result in a single-page form.
Like Typeform always has, this would take users on a guided journey to submission, revealing just what’s relevant right now - with an improved structure. Logical information areas can be clearly identified and the user can engage with the right part of their brain, eg:
An employee survey
- Part 1 (one screen) : name, function, team.
- Part 2 (one question per screen): survey
- Part 3 (one screen): don’t use for testimonials checkbox, notify me when survey results are out checkbox
A complaint form
- Part 1 (one screen): complaints, photos
- Part 2 (one screen): name, address, order number, item number, tracking number..
We can already order questions in sections. What if we could see all of a section’s question in one screen?
Note of your competitors currently offer this :)
I would like to add my vote for having a multiple questions per page. Currently we are using both Typeform and another survey tool for a 2 Round application process. I really wish we can keep the second Round in Typeform as well but it’s a much longer form and I don’t think our applicants would enjoy clicking next every single time. If we could put things like “First name” and “Last name” or the demographic data in one page, that would be really really nice.
Hi We only show one question at a time on the form because we’ve noticed higher levels of engagement and completion vs using a standard form. We don't have an option for a single page/traditional style of form or the ability to show multiple questions at the same time. I hope this answers your question, but please let me know if you think of anything else!
Hi Liz and team,
Even with a paid account, we are now forced to use something like google forms to meet some of these minor requirements. especially when there are only 2, 3 inputs required from the customer, it is not an ideal way to have the questions in multiple pages.
hope to see this feature made available soon.
I just want to chime in here and say that I love how Typeform works, but as others have mentioned, there are definitely usecases where having 2 - 3 questions on one page is useful, especially when you have type forms with 20+ questions.
- Can we ask 2 or more questions on a single page?
- Can we apply future value or any kind of compound interest formula on the numeric responses?
- Can we accept 2 or more textual/tabular inputs on a single page?
Is there any way I can add multiple answer fields in a single question on my typeform.
In my survey I ask a question about business challenges and want to create 8 diffferent Likert Scales to fall under this one question.
e.g I’d like to include a scale for challenges such as: ‘Profitability’, ‘Growth’, ‘Covid’ etc and ask respondents to mark their level of agreement with each challenge.
Currently I am unsure on how to make this all fit onto one page, underneath the same question. My Typeform seems to only let me have these under separate questions which makes the survey too long.
If anyone could help me I’d greatly appreciate it! :)
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