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Multi-layer conditional formatting

  • 12 July 2021
  • 4 replies

How can I create layers of logic in a form?
Say I want some conditional logic with certain sublayers.

I'd have the first question as Cats vs Dogs, and if you choose Cats, you'd get 4 more specific questions. If you choose Dogs, you' get 4 different ones.
Here I can jump or skip them, sure.

But if say on question 3 of Cats, I'd want to show another 3 sub-questions or fields, if I want?
I'd like to make multi-level branches of conditional formatting for the input fields.

Would appreciate some input from you all!

Thank you!

@Asteri  - welcome to the community from another user!

this is fairly simple to do - but i really suggest that you sketch out all the structures and flow on a napkin or in a mindmapping tool … once you make your first branch,  your logic needs to make sure that you come back to your end point(s) as appropriate and ie it goes down the line of cats or dogs and then comes back to a common email question at the end … you simply do the same thing inside your second branch - you just have to lay out the logic to bring you out of that sub-branch into the ‘main branch’ .. 


@john.desborough Thanks! I have started building this logic pathway at the moment, and shall see to make sure he endpoint is reached then. I’ll see how it goes after playing around with it

@john.desborough Thanks! I have started building this logic pathway at the moment, and shall see to make sure he endpoint is reached then. I’ll see how it goes after playing around with it

@Asteri -good for you!  if you have any issues or questions, please post them here. the community will jump in to help!


Hi @Asteri were you able to get your logic jumps setup? :grin:
