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Need help fixing branches in form

  • 15 June 2024
  • 5 replies

I’m having an issue with linking properly from a multiple-choice question which allows multiple options to be selected.

I’ve added rules for each option to ensure that if a user selects those options at the multiple-choice screen, the follow up screens will go to those options. But that does not seem to be happening. Instead, some of them seem to be working properly whilst others are getting skipped or they’re being followed up even if that option was not selected at the multiple-choice screen.


Can somebody please assist me to correct this? 

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @AndrePrevin Happy Monday! Thanks for stopping by the community. Could you share a few screenshots of your current logic setup and what isn’t working versus what’s expected? Thanks in advance!

Hi Liz, could I share the Link to my Typeform? 

It’s a little difficult to explain 

Hi @AndrePrevin I’d love to try to help. Someone would have to actually log into your typeform account to see the back end in order to understand what you’re doing, as the link is just the front end results and won’t show all of the options.

Sometimes I find it easier to go to the logic map and manually drag each branch. Here’s a screenshot


Also, one step I often forget when creating my first draft is to set where to jump after. Sometimes you jump to a question, but after that question, you’ll need to jump to a different result. 


I am happy to help more if you can share more information. Maybe you can share the questions and you’re desired results and I screenshot you the steps to get there.



Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @AndrePrevin I hope you’re doing well! Were you able to solve the issue? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Liz - for this one i do have a cheatsheet lol.. 


@AndrePrevin  - i can’t put my finger on a particular thread in here, but i’ve posted responses about 10 this year on how to put in place the logic to do this. here’s one example


