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Pre-select dropdown (not hidden field)

  • 4 August 2021
  • 1 reply

Hi Community,

I am encountering some limitation with typeform… In short I have a dropdown question with a list of ressources that my prospect are interested in downloading.

I want this dropdown question to offer a pre-filled proposition based on the URL the prospect came from.

  • Example: if URL contains "xxx/ressources/white-paper-design-trends" then Dropdown = "White Paper on Design Trends

Can you tell me if that's possible? Either by using a GTM Variable & Tag or any other option. I am trying out this way because some completion do not have the variables integrated with GTM I added in my hidden fields (maybe because of anti-cookie plugins)

Thank you for your feedback!
Kind regards,

Hi @LaurentB Happy Wednesday! Thanks for stopping by. 

The answer options need to be pre-set before the respondent begins the form. I’m afraid there isn’t a way to auto-populate them based on hidden fields. 

Though, if you only have a few hidden field options, you could use logic jumps to show a set of questions based on the hidden field entered into the URL. Would something like that work for you? If so, I can create a video walkthrough on how to set this up. :grinning:
