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Recalling variables in the matrix question

  • 13 February 2021
  • 13 replies

Am trying to figure out how to use the Matrix question to reduce the number of question pages that a user sees in a typeform (maturity assessment) 

current version:

  • 7 question groups with 5,3,5,5,5,10, and 5 questions
  • each question group has logic to create avg maturity for that question group 
  • at the end of each question group i show a y/n question that shows the inputs and the avg maturity score for that section 
  • at the end of the question groups, i throw up an overall grid of the question group avg scores and the overall maturity score with the ‘next’ link to take them to summary info about the ‘level of maturity’ in which they fall and some suggested improvement activities
  • then ask them if they want a printed report, collect the email and toss it all off to a Google Sheet with a Document Studio add-on integration to generate a customized report based on their scores. 

i thought i would try the matrix question style to reduce the number of pages in the assessment 

  • i split the 10-question group into two matrix questions to keep them at 5 max per page
  • since the labels would be too long, i opted to put them in the description area with an identifier to associate with the row of the matrix question (see image)

What I noted was that there is no @recall ability to pull the inputs out into a statement form to display the input. I had seen that there was no logic or branching available in the help docs and other posts by @Liz @Mariana @picsoung , etc. on the Matrix question (that i could search/find in the Community) nor could i find anything in the blog, help or tutorial sections on the new matrix question style that might say how to do this … 

This made it impossible for me to see, easily, how to get at this data before it goes into the Google Sheet and is available to push out the report. Ideally, I would like to show the respondent the summary info and suggested actions as part of the ‘do the survey’ process before asking them if they wanted the printed report - especially would like to be able to calculate the group average scores and overall summary before submit … With all the matrix question data appearing in the sheet fine and proper, I can easily use it to develop the same report in about 30 minutes worth of work, so that is not a showstopper

I am assuming at this point that this is somehow possible via API/webhooks and that i am going to have crack those open and get familiar with them if i want to leverage the matrix-style version. 


I’ve not posted the links to the two different typeforms but i can provide them if you want to look at the differences. 


Happy Chinese New Year, Happy Valentines’ Day weekend, Happy long weekend (at least for us - yay more time to typeform!!)



Hey @john.desborough. Happy Monday! 

In fact, it is still not possible to recall information from Matrix questions nor set up logic jumps for them. Thanks to your post, I've asked the education team to update the help center article with this information too.


Still, I'll leave this thread for someone from the technical side to take a look and hopefully bring some cool workarounds or ideas for your use case. In the meantime, enjoy your Monday off! Our team is probably doing the same 😁


Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentines’ Day weekend, Des! 🎉

@Mariana - thanks kindly. Hopefully this can be resolved to be consistent with other questions that permit the recall.. 





@john.desborough It makes sense for recall information to work in the Matrix question. The team will keep improving the New Builder over the next months and I hope this is one of the things we'll include.


I’ll make sure they are aware of this conversation, Des! 😊

@Mariana  - thank you kindly!!!



Hi @john.desborough I checked with our lovely developers, but we sadly don’t have a workaround for this one at the moment. 😞 Though, we have noted the limitation for our product team. I’m sorry I don’t have better news, but as always, if you think of anything else, you know where to find us!

@Liz - thanks for the update.. the only thing i could possibly conceive of to solve this, while watching the snow fall last night, was to see if the back end (Google Sheets in my case, at the moment) could take the input from the matrix q submit,  dump it in the Sheet and  autogenerate a link (??)  with all the responses extracted out of the newly inserted row as hidden fields that would somehow triggered by the ‘redirect on completion’ function.. 

would require an image of the penguins from the movie Madagascar waving their flippers saying you don’t see anything happening here in the background for a minute, while the matrix response data was deposited by the typeform integration and then pulled/pushed into another typeform/web page (with embedded typeform via webhook/api??) where by the magic of microwaves and mystic penguins, the user would be transferred and see the results and next steps.. 

that was after two big scotches and a pizza loaded with mushrooms, just saying that maybe the combination was not the best for creativity.. lol.. 

think i will wait for the sequel from the product team lol.. 



@john.desborough After two scotches, pizza and a snowfall, I’m in bed, so props to you for being so productive. I could only wish to be this creative after a single scotch ha!

Wouldn’t it be so cute if the backend of Typeform looked something like this? :heart_eyes:

You could certainly try to auto-generate a URL within Google Sheets, which would require using their formulas. It might take a bit of setting up, and while I don’t have a perfect solution for this, someone in the community might be a Google Sheets whiz! 



the generation of the url in the google sheet is something that i tested conceptually on another sheet, in terms of being able to insert field_values into the text string of the url, and was able to make it work for a 2 field lookup, at least to insert the values into the url string properly. even using the arrayformula function (don’t get me started) 

the next bit would be to get it triggered ‘on entry’ to open the next step typeform and load.. i think that is a weekend project with the rest of the bottle (three fingers) of scotch. 

@john.desborough Sounds like you need a new bottle of scotch! 



@Liz - nice to see the Lagavulin in the pic.. lol


I think i am set for a couple weeks of lockdown


@john.desborough I really need to upgrade my liquor cabinet ha! 

I’m trying to recall Matrix responses in an email to respondents and I’m not able to select it as an option in the “Recall information from...” dropdown… HOWEVER, when I select “Recall information from… All Answers” the Matrix responses are included in the respondent auto-email - it’s driving me nuts! Anything I’m doing wrong?

Hello @megmc88! Happy to have you here. :heart_eyes: Thank you a lot for your question! 

Nothing you're doing wrong, don't worry! At the moment, we do not support recall information for the Matrix Question. I've moved your question to this thread where you can find more details about this! 

Hopefully this feature will be included in the future! :hugging:

Let me know if there's anything else we can help you with!
