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Hi ! I am trying to build a car configurator, where the user can choose from a variety of options, each of which has it’s own price. I would like to display the configuration on the final screen, then ask for a $100 deposit. Is that possible ? 

Q1: V8 (standard) or V12 ($1000)
Q2: Black (standard) or Orange ($200)
Q3: Cash or Finance ($500)

Then, on the final page, I would like to display their answers and prices

Orange: $200
Finance: $500
Total: $700

BUT!! I only want to ask for a $100 deposit… rathern than the full $700. 

Is that possible ? 

Thank you !!!

@Nicodemus - welcome to the community from a fellow user. 

you can do that, fairly easily - if you are including the payment question type (Stripe integration required but easy to set up), you can track all your options and instead of collecting the value into the price variable, create something like iprice as the variable name, so that you can show the total (ie $700) but use the logic jumps to set the price variable to $100 and have that be the default value that shows up on the payment page. 

does that sound like it will work for you??



yes, perfect, thank you !!

Let us know how the form turns out, @Nicodemus ! Sounds like a handy one!

@Nicodemus - welcome to the community from a fellow user. 

you can do that, fairly easily - if you are including the payment question type (Stripe integration required but easy to set up), you can track all your options and instead of collecting the value into the price variable, create something like iprice as the variable name, so that you can show the total (ie $700) but use the logic jumps to set the price variable to $100 and have that be the default value that shows up on the payment page. 

does that sound like it will work for you??



Didn't understand that at all...

To complement @john.desborough ‘s response.

The payment question block is relying on the price variable. It will charge whatever value the price variable has.

So you should not use this variable unless you plan to charge people that amount.
Instead, you create a separate variable that you can call iprice, or quote_price. And use it for all the calculations for the quote.

The price will be set once for all at 100, for the deposit.

After fixing my own form, I understand the concept now. But then you have to correctly match your @iprice or @quote_price variable to @price default variable so it calculates properly.

In my case I used a @course_cost variable name to total the overall cost of the courses chosen, and then @price (default) variable to calculate the deposit amount for the courses booked. But I didn't have my @course_cost interact with @price in the form, and I think formulating the @quote_price with actual @price to work together is not that straightforward.

It would need to be more clearly and succinctly explained for people learning, as I am still. 😉
