Using the instructions found in https://www.typeform.com/help/a/block-references-360050447552/, I was able to configure custom references to my question fields so that I can reference them in code as question_a as opposed to what appears to be a UUID. For the “Contact Info” field type, it appears that I can specify a reference for that page but there doesn’t appear to be a way for me to specify a reference for the individual fields within it, eg. first name, last name, email. Is there a way for me to do so?
Similarly, I see in the sample webhook data that each individual choice in a “Multiple Choice” question type has its own reference. Is there a way for us to specify a custom reference for each option? I think there’s a workaround here where I pull up https://form.typeform.com/forms/oFORM_ID] after a form has been created and create a mapping on my end for oquestion_number].properties.choices.roption number].ref → string enum on my end, but i’d rather just have typeform send a specified enum instead and save me a step in manually doing the mapping or doing string matching on the label.