I noticed on mobile there is a “start” button with the title of the form. How do we set our forms to simply load like on desktop?
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- Start Button on Mobile
Start Button on Mobile
- April 16, 2021
- 74 replies
- Explorer
- 2 replies
Best answer by Liz
To skip the Start button on embedded forms when viewing on mobile, add ?typeform-welcome=0 after the URL in the embed code. Your typeform must have a Welcome Screen for this to work.
I hope this helps!
74 replies
- Navigating the Land
- 2 replies
- August 4, 2021
Hey folks, we just ran into this same issue this morning. We are using the new Embed SDK in fullscreen embed mode (createWidget
according to these docs). We do not have a welcome screen and want the page to go directly to the first question.
As of last night this was working fine on both desktop and mobile -- the first question showed up immediately without a welcome screen. This morning, it appears the default welcome screen is back on mobile (but not desktop). Furthermore, the Embed SDK appears to fall back to a modal embed (with an X in the top right) even though we specifically called createWidget
Did something recently change with the Embed SDK or upstream configuration? This appears to be a regression and is pretty frustrating.
- Navigating the Land
- 2 replies
- August 4, 2021
Hey folks, we just ran into this same issue this morning. We are using the new Embed SDK in fullscreen embed mode (createWidget
according to these docs). We do not have a welcome screen and want the page to go directly to the first question.
As of last night this was working fine on both desktop and mobile -- the first question showed up immediately without a welcome screen. This morning, it appears the default welcome screen is back on mobile (but not desktop). Furthermore, the Embed SDK appears to fall back to a modal embed (with an X in the top right) even though we specifically called createWidget
Did something recently change with the Embed SDK or upstream configuration? This appears to be a regression and is pretty frustrating.
This defaults to a fullscreen modal when on mobile (and thus requires the welcome screen, which AFAIK isn’t configurable currently).
Hi, how can I turn off the cover page on mobile, if I am using the createWidget function to embed my survey? ie. how do I set the option for typeform-welcome to 0?
window.tf.createWidget(formId, {
container: document.getElementById("wrapper"),
hidden: {
userId: receivedEvent.userId,
visitorId: receivedEvent.visitorId
To get the old behavior back, pass inlineOnMobile: true
to createWidget
- Tech Community Advocate
- 14883 replies
- August 4, 2021
Thanks for sharing,
- Navigating the Land
- 1 reply
- August 4, 2021
Am Having the same issue with typeform-welcome to 0? still showing a start button on mobile. I see a fix is in the works just commenting to stay updated.
- Tech Community Advocate
- 14883 replies
- August 5, 2021
- Navigating the Land
- 1 reply
- August 9, 2021
.then((res) => {
createWidget('abcd', {
container: document.getElementById('idname'),
hidden: {
occupation_id: id,
occupation_name: name,
state: res
How can I add ?typeform-welcome=0 here?
- Tech Community Advocate
- 14883 replies
- August 9, 2021
As inlineOnMobile: true
to createWidget
Let us know if you have any trouble with adding this.
- Navigating the Land
- 2 replies
- August 27, 2021
- Navigating the Land
- 2 replies
- August 27, 2021
I was able to get around the issue of having a welcome screen appear on mobile by adding
to my div. Since I did not want the welcome screen on either the mobile or desktop, I just started my survey with the first question (i.e. did not have a welcome screen at all). Here’s the full example of my embedded code:
<div data-tf-widget="XXXXXXXXX" data-tf-inline-on-mobile="true" style="width:100%;height:90vh;color:#FFFFFF;"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>
Note that the documentation for the inlineOnMobile states “removes placeholder welcome screen in mobile and makes form show inline instead of fullscreen.” Therefore, be careful that in addition to skipping the welcome screen by enabling this, you aren’t affecting other parts of your setup for inline/fullscreen. (I don’t understand why this function affects two parts of the setup rather than having two separate options.)
- Navigating the Land
- 2 replies
- August 27, 2021
<div class="typeform-widget" data-url="XXXXXXXX" style="width: 100%; height: 600px;"></div> <script> (function() { var qs,js,q,s,d=document, gi=d.getElementById, ce=d.createElement, gt=d.getElementsByTagName, id="typef_orm", b="https://embed.typeform.com/"; if(!gi.call(d,id)) { js=ce.call(d,"script"); js.id=id; js.src=b+"embed.js"; q=gt.call(d,"script")[0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q) } })() </script>
- Navigating the Land
- 2 replies
- August 27, 2021
<div class="typeform-widget" data-url="XXXXXXXX" data-tf-inline-on-mobile="true" style="width: 100%; height: 600px;"></div> <script> (function() { var...
- Explorer
- 5 replies
- August 31, 2021
EDIT: It’s the same solution provided by
I don’t know if Typeform has changed the embed method or what but the solution marked as correct doesn’t work in my case because there’s no URL to append the “typeform-welcome=0” since the actual <iframe> is not included in the provided embed code (it’s created by the script when the page loads).
If your embed code looks like this:
<div data-tf-widget="XXXXXXXX" style="width:100%;height:500px;color:#FFFFFF;"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>
you just need to add data-tf-inline-on-mobile inside the <div> so your code looks like this (the typeform MUST NOT have a welcome screen like in the other solution):
<div data-tf-widget="XXXXXXXX" data-tf-inline-on-mobile style="width:100%;height:500px;color:#FFFFFF;"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>
That worked for me. Hope it saves time to someone.
Note: This will change the default behaviour of showing the typeform as a full-screen pop-up and will show it as an inline embed instead (in my case it was what I wanted but watch out in case you need to do some style changes in your site)
- Navigating the Land
- 3 replies
- September 24, 2021
So… long story short on this thread:
If you’re trying to remove the start screen on mobile (after using the standard embed option), the instructions that say to add “?typeform-welcome=0” to the embed URL will not work. And you recommend hiring a developer to figure out how to use the Embed SDK.
That’s what I’m getting from this thread.
Did I miss something?
- Navigating the Land
- 3 replies
- September 24, 2021
EDIT: It’s the same solution provided by
I don’t know if Typeform has changed the embed method or what but the solution marked as correct doesn’t work in my case because there’s no URL to append the “typeform-welcome=0” since the actual <iframe> is not included in the provided embed code (it’s created by the script when the page loads).
If your embed code looks like this:
<div data-tf-widget="XXXXXXXX" style="width:100%;height:500px;color:#FFFFFF;"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>
you just need to add data-tf-inline-on-mobile inside the <div> so your code looks like this (the typeform MUST NOT have a welcome screen like in the other solution):
<div data-tf-widget="XXXXXXXX" data-tf-inline-on-mobile style="width:100%;height:500px;color:#FFFFFF;"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>
That worked for me. Hope it saves time to someone.
Note: This will change the default behaviour of showing the typeform as a full-screen pop-up and will show it as an inline embed instead (in my case it was what I wanted but watch out in case you need to do some style changes in your site)
Just tried this solution, and it ended up working.
Just make sure that you delete the welcome screen inside of TypeForm first.
TypeForm should really update the misleading instructions on this page: https://help.typeform.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029249212-Embed-your-typeform since they clearly don’t work. Just wasted an hour.
Thanks to patricia fichtner who provided the fix.
- Tech Community Advocate
- 14883 replies
- September 24, 2021
- Explorer
- 14 replies
- January 25, 2022
Now, I’ve created a new typeform, but the code looks totally different and doesn’t even contain a URL?
This is the get code that I get:
<div data-tf-widget="HhIfuoAH" data-tf-iframe-props="title=Kundenzufriedenheit" data-tf-medium="snippet" data-tf-hidden="utm_source=xxxxx,utm_medium=xxxxx,utm_campaign=xxxxx" style="width:100%;height:700px;"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>
Can you help out?
- Tech Community Advocate
- 14883 replies
- January 26, 2022
- Explorer
- 14 replies
- January 26, 2022
Can you help?
- Tech Community Advocate
- 14883 replies
- January 26, 2022
You can override the pop-up with a small edit to your site code. After the "data-tf-widget" attribute, add the snippet "data-tf-inline-on-mobile". Your code should look something like this:
<div data-tf-widget="ABCDEF" data-tf-inline-on-mobile></div>
- Navigating the Land
- 1 reply
- March 16, 2022
- Navigating the Land
- 2 replies
- April 7, 2022
I’m facing a similar issue trying to hide the welcome screen on mobile.
Tried the above method It’s not working in my case.
Could you please help?
Page URL: https://xoxosite.webflow.io/thank-you-v3
<div data-tf-widget="HywzdNX1" data-tf-iframe-props="title=Just a few more details... V3" data-tf-medium="snippet" data-tf-hidden="utm_source=xxxxx,utm_medium=xxxxx,utm_campaign=xxxxx,utm_term=xxxxx,utm_content=xxxxx,email=xxxxx" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>
- Navigating the Land
- 2 replies
- April 7, 2022
Hi, we have solved this welcome screen on mobile by using iframe tag
<iframe src=””> </iframe> we have added the social media link and its working fine

- Tech Community Advocate
- 14883 replies
- April 7, 2022
One thing I will note is that while you can use this embed method, it isn’t supported if something goes wrong. I would still suggest giving the code mentioned here a try!
- Navigating the Land
- 3 replies
- April 7, 2022
Hello everyone,
I am well aware that this has been a topic already, but unfortunately none of the solutions provided seems to work for us. We are embedding our Typeforms as Standard on our website and would like to remove the welcome screen on mobile as it is a major conversion killer for us.
This is what our embed code looks like:
<div data-tf-widget="XXXXXX" data-tf-iframe-props="title=XXXXXXX" data-tf-medium="snippet" style="width:100%;height:800px;"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script>
We have already tried the “data-tf-inline-on-mobile” method but it doesn't seem to work for us.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I think we are not the only ones having issues with this matter.
Thank you very much in advance!
- Tech Community Advocate
- 14883 replies
- April 7, 2022
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