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Is there anyway to EMBED a video in TYPEFORM and if not when can you add that?

Hi @cpeak5000. Happy Wednesday :) 


Here is the step by step for you to do this:


1. Go to the Layouts of the question you want to add a video to and choose the type of layout you want to use. 


2. Click Edit under the Media section:


3. Select the Video tab to paste the link to your video, and click Continue:


Be aware that videos cannot be set to auto-play when added to a typeform. When you add a video to a typeform, we only take the video ID to display it, ignoring URL parameters like autoplay.

4. You can now choose a different Layout for the video or adjust its brightness:



This Help Center article is also available here in case you want to check. 


Let us know how it goes :)

Hi @cpeak5000 were you able to add the video to your form? :grin:

Yes we know how to add videos, we just wanted to know if you can embed so they can self loop  and remove Vimeo and Youtube tags, and next videos they want you to watch.   Thanks for the steps above

Hi @cpeak5000 got it - thanks! I’m afraid we don’t have this functionality yet, but I’d suggest sharing the feedback on the post below! :grin:


Any chance you’ll open up for other hosts than vimeo and YouTube.

Wistia would be amazing! 
