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Workarounds for Drop Off/2-Step Application

  • 10 August 2023
  • 3 replies

Hi everyone. I need some help finding the best typeform plan and/or workarounds for my forms. I’ve reached out to support over 2 weeks ago and never heard back. I am looking for:

  • Information on drop off, when/where leads are dropping off application
  • Two step application process (step 1: gather lead name and email, step 2: rest of application questions)
  • Automatically end application if lead puts in certain age or answers no to financial question

It looks like the features are included in the Business plan but I am not in a position to pay $1k/yr for typeform right now. Especially since it’s JUST the drop off feature that is needed from that plan. Any help finding work arounds or other platforms who can provide these features is much appreciated.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@alynnnh - to answer the last two points: 

  • you create two typeforms - as you describe - with the first using redirect on completion to the second, including the email as a hidden field that is passed as a variable in the url to the second form
    • when you add the hidden field into the second typeform, it will act as the receiving bucket for the variable passed in the url from the first form. 
    • save this second form and share the link - that link will contain the syntax to use from the first form’s redirect - simply replace the xxxxx in the string with the @recall question response and it will populate 
  • use logic rules in your question to determine if you are going to kick the user out
    • ie if the legal age is 18, and you have q2 that asks for the year of birth as a number, then your logic would look like this 
      • if q2 less than 2005 then go to ending 
      • if q2 is greater than or = to 2005 then go to the next appropriate question

if you feel your drop offs are happening at a given question, then check out the Help Centre and search for articles on how to reduce drop offs. just a thought. there are several articles there and several of the Typeform webinars that have discussed this over the past couple of years. 



Thank you Des! I appreciate your help.

Hey guys.


That’s exactly what I want to do, but I have limited IT skills and can’t figure out how to make it work… I’ve tried… even with ChatGPT !

Could you please be more specific with where and what… 

My first form collects name, last name, phone and email. 

The second form is the real form.

But I didn’t succeed to prefill the email field… 

Please help! 

