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Hi, I have been trying everything for the past 3 hours to record videos, but the audio isn't working well. I am experiencing audio delay, no audio at all, or very disruptive interference. I have restarted VideoAsk, restarted my laptop, but nothing works. Is there anyone who could help me?

Hi @Kelly ter Horst I moved your post under the VideoAsk category so @Grace and team can help answer this question for you!

Thank you so much Liz.

Hey @Kelly ter Horst welcome to the community, I’m really sorry to hear you’re having audio issues 🙁

Has this happened before whilst recording on your laptop? As far as I’m aware we haven’t had any reports of audio disruption in VideoAsk, I’ve just tried to record something myself and it seems to be working as normal. Could you try recording on a different browser or device to see if that works? 

Hi Grace,

Thank you for helping me out.

I tested my mic from the computer and there is nothing wrong with it, fortunately. 

Only the mic doesn’t work well within videoask, it’s the first time I experience this.

I also texted via another browser (on another computer) and that works fine either.

Maybe it has something to do with connections, or set-up in the system itself?

Hi @Kelly ter Horst ooh that’s strange then. Did anything happen with the camera and mic permissions? Did you make any updates to the browser permissions? I’m not sure why it would suddenly stop working like that.

Hi Grace, no I didn’t do anything and nothing happened with the camera and mic. It is really strange.

Hi @Kelly ter Horst I’ve had a chat with some of the team and no one has come across this issue before. I wonder whether it’s just a blip and it might start working again on your laptop in the coming days? 

I know that’s not a technical answer sorry! Are you able to use another device for the time being to get any recording done? 
