FAQ: Getting Started with VideoAsk | Community
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FAQ: Getting Started with VideoAsk

  • January 20, 2021
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  • VideoAsk Expert
  • 7 replies

Have you heard about Typeform’s other product VideoAsk? Read on to learn more about how to get started! :sparkles:


How does VideoAsk work? 

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You can record yourself asking a question (or a series of questions) and then send that as a videoask to your audience. People can view your videoask and respond using video, audio or text (plus a whole load of other answer types), from their phone or computer. All the answers are saved in your VideoAsk account for you to view and reply to at your leisure! Check out this article to learn how to create your first videoask


What can I use VideoAsk for?

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There are many possible use cases for VideoAsk, but some popular examples are: 


How can I share my videoask?

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There are a few different ways to share your videoask. Each videoask you create has its own URL, and anyone who clicks on that link can view and interact with your videoask - you can share that URL in an email, a social media post, a text message, and more!

You can also embed a videoask on your website with a custom code - either inline with your page as an iframe (like the examples on this page) or as a widget. Learn more about embedding your videoask here!


Can I integrate VideoAsk with other tools I use?

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VideoAsk can be integrated with several different platforms, including calendars, spreadsheets, email marketing tools and tracking :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Check out our list of current integration here. For even more options you can use Zapier to connect VideoAsk to 1,500+ other web services. Automated connections called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding, can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn't be possible. To get started using Zapier, check out this guide!


How can I sign up for VideoAsk?

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You can sign up by clicking here! All you need is an email address to get started with a free account.



⚠️ If you’ve checked this post and others from this category, but still haven’t found your answer, don’t hesitate to hit the new post button to start a new discussion. We’re excited to see all the tips and techniques our creators have to share - and we hope you are too! 🚀



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