Hey @Tharun Sonti
Welcome to the community, great to hear you’re using VideoAsk for onboarding!
Definitely some good points made here, at the moment it’s not possible to save a spot within the videoask to pick it up later but this is something that’s on our feature request board so I’ve added a +1 to it. Skip a step is also a popular request and is being considered so fingers crossed it makes it’s way into the product 
We’ve actually just posted a guide which could be helpful for you, @andrew_videoask has put together a workflow for emailing respondents that drop off your videoask:
They wouldn’t be able to pick up where they left off, but they could quickly move through the steps they’ve already completed to get to where they need to be.
The only other option would be to break the videoask down into shorter videoasks. They could all link together via the redirect to URL option, or you could even set up something where when one is completed the next one is emailed out to them
Hopefully this helps and thanks so much for sharing your feedback 
Hi @Tharun Sonti I hope you’re having a great week so far! Were you able to use the suggestions above? Let us know if you still need help!
Any update on this feature? I am also using VideoAsk for client onboarding and being able to redirect them back to the step where they left off is huge! please keep me posted if there are any updates on this!
Hey @Nikola Velickovic 
This is still not something that’s available as a feature right now, but we’re aware that it’s a popular request! We’re continually sharing this feedback with our Product team and I will add an upvote to the feature request about this on your behalf. You can subscribe to product updates/news here to stay in the loop.
Thanks so much for sharing! 
Our current work around is to create multiple videoask links and use Zapier to send the users a new link picking up from where they left off using the data provided in the contact form or variables associated with that particular user. i.e. if we have a 3 step videoask we would create 3. One with all 3 steps for new users. The second missing the first step for users that completed it and the last missing the first two. Would much rather prefer the ability to simply have them pick up where they left off but until then this is what we are doing.
Thanks for sharing @Steady! I have a 5-step onboarding journey and 2 client segments, so this might get too messy if I split it into separate VideoAsks. But for now, this is the best work around for this problem.
Thanks for sharing, @Steady!
In that case I’ll add an upvote to the feature request on your behalf too - every vote helps! Out of interest, what are you using VideoAsk for/what’s your usecase?
Hi @Grace @Grace.H , is there an update on this? My team also has a need for this. We have about 11 questions, and when there are technical errors users have to restart it again which is a bad experience for them. It also isn’t practical for us to create 11 different videoasks, with each one starting at different questions.
We have not revisited this project much since it has been working well so far. Plan on revisiting for a touchup/update. If anything useful comes up will share here.
Hey all, I don’t have an update on this feature request at the moment, I will drop a message here as soon as I hear something!