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Some of you here know that I travel a fair amount (and by fair, I mean 90% of the time), so I figured it might be fun to create a post with workplace views! Here’s mine today out near Yellowstone. :heart_eyes:


@Liz - wow


nuff said

@john.desborough Seriously! I hiked up this yesterday, a little over 10k feet or something like 3000 meters. If only there was wifi here! There was 4G service though surprisingly enough even though the whole way up had no service…. :grin::rofl:




@Liz - that is breathtaking! in more ways than one

this was my workspace yesterday afternoon lol


Haha is that the little one in the tent? :rofl: @john.desborough 

I didn’t work from here yesterday, but had I known there would be really great-ish LTE service (whereas I hardly get service where I’m staying at now….), I would have just brought my computer HA!

@Gabriel let me escape last-minute during the day a bit to make this hike up since it stormed here all yesterday afternoon/evening. :sob: I’m going to start making a list of all the mountain peaks that have service in case I ever want a nice view when working haha!


Absolutely fantastic views, @Liz! How long did you take to reach out to the top?

@john.desborough when I was a kid, I used to beg to my mom to go camping in the backyard of the summer house we used to rent for the season, just for the fun! She never loved the idea but luckily she would say 'yes' most of the times! :innocent:

I consider myself a traveler as well, so I took this photo last week when I was in Porto (North of Portugal), working, visiting my family who lives there and trying some good Port wine! :wine_glass: 

Can you guess what was in the bottle? Water or wine? Hahaha :grimacing:

I'll have new photos in different places/cities/countries soon… Stay tuned!!! :eyes:  

@john.desborough  :joy:

@Gabi Amaral It was about two hours, and that was me moving it really, really fast ha! It was all uphill and steep. :joy::sob:

When I was a kid, I also camped in my backyard with my sister because my parents hated camping. The backyard was the closest we got LOL. 

I hope it was wine in the bottle ha! :sunglasses: Is that the view from your family’s place?!

@Liz How come I never thought about putting wine in my Typeform bottle?? 



I know, it doesn't look like Japan at all, but that’s the view from my window today. Endless rice plantations:sweat_smile:



Oh, I wish @Liz! No, this view is one of the most famous in Porto… It's the Douro river with a bridge called "Luis I". The sunset from there is STUNNING, definitely a must see if you ever go to Porto (And the wine, obviously)! :wine_glass:

Your view is so cool, @Paulo! A rice plantation definitely looks like Japan! 
P.S. It's also great to put water and coffee in the Typeform bottle! Haha :joy:

@Paulo @Gabi Amaral Has the right thinking HA!

And wow! Is that really Japan? Where are you there? 

@Gabi Amaral Gah! I really need to visit now!! It looks so beautiful!

I had a few hour drive through the mountains in the north part of Yellowstone last night to reach this! 





this was last night (Wed) down along the Ottawa River about a km from home..

well worth escaping for an hour with my laptop, a coffee and a riverside bench… and  no family! lol



@Gabi Amaral This week I’ve been blessed with this rice plantation landscape!

@Liz Yup! The countryside of Japan, far from (almost) all technologies.:sweat_smile:
I’m working in Kariya branch office this week, so that’s the view from my office window.

@john.desborough I share your need to have a "no family time" now and then!:laughing:

Ottawa river looks FANTASTIC, @john.desborough! Unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to go there! :smirk:

May I ask where are you based now? When I was living in Vancouver, I got the chance to do a road trip around Toronto and Montreal. Also visited Niagara falls! I miss Canada, Canadians and how polite and friendly they are! :hugging: Look at this photo I took in the falls (I was a lot younger though… Haha)

@Paulo I couldn't think of something more "Japanese" than a rice plantation. Make sure to share with us whenever you get some other interesting Japanese landscapes! :flag_jp:

@Gabi Amaral - I am based in Ottawa, but with family in Montreal and Toronto, and out in Victoria BC, there is a fair amount of travelling when we are not locked down lol


glad to be home right now.. and looking forward to travelling again soon.

@john.desborough Oh wow! Looks beautiful! I feel you on the no-family thing ha! I love escaping out here for that exact reason. How long are you out there for? 

@Paulo Yes! Please share more Japan photos!! I’ve been wanting to go there for so long, and now even longer because of COVID. :sob:

@Gabi Amaral Sounds like we need to have a Canada meetup!

@Liz - that was one hour of “no body saw me leave or missed me” time on Wed evening lol.. 


this was sunrise this morning here in Ottawa (really frikkin’ early) .. our national Parliament buildings taken from across the Ottawa river from the Museum of Civilization



Wow! Really beautiful, @john.desborough !! Looks worth it to wake up early hehe!

Out here in Chicago today taking ‘working remotely’ to a new level HA!


That's how I've been waking up every morning this summer in Japan. Cicadas. Too many of them.



Wow, @Paulo! This sound remembers my childhood years when we'd travel to our beach house. :heart_eyes:

This is my view today! 

I'm in Catania, Sicily, south of Italy! Pretty close to Etna Volcano, the tallest currently active volcano in Europe! :volcano:

Can you guess the temperature here today? Tip: More than 32 degrees… :fire:

sitting in the backyard before the construction begins behind us - maybe because it is a Friday of a long weekend, they won’t work too hard (or loudly) today...BUT, that being said, here’s the view to the left of my chair:

 and the view to the right:


15 more minutes of fresh air.. then back to the inside desk … 


happy friday everyone!



@john.desborough Aw! That little squirrel!!

Not my current view, but was a few hours north of NYC yesterday to help my friend move apartments and even though it was rainy, it was still a nice view! 


Today I’m working from Palermo, Sicily! It's a natural reserve called Capo Gallo! 

I love the South of Italy! Oh… And what about the food? I can't stop eating the cannoli siciliani:heart_eyes:

What about you @john.desborough @Liz and @Paulo? Where are you today?
