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With NextJS I am doing server side rendering and am trying to take advantage of the sdk as the cdn script isn’t playing nice with my NextJS code. However i am getting a babel error with the node_module typeform code. 


A more detailed description on stack overflow


I am getting the following in regards to the typeform sdk. 

ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined


Any tips on how to use typeform with nextjs


Hi @nick this error usually happens because of `async await` and missing a babel Polyfill.

Can you have a look if you have a file called `.babelrc` in your root folder and if the `next/babel` presets are loaded? You can follow this article for adding the presets.


Hello Nick, 

I don’t know if this will help your case as I’m not familiar with next.js, but another customer had issues a month ago adding the library too and he resolved it this way: 


Instead of using the "next/dynamic" (which is apparently the old way to dynamically load in next.js), I instead just did the following:
import('@typeform/embed').then(...typeform implementation…)


If that works for you, then kudos to Kaelin.H for being a hero amongst heroes :) 

I am getting a new error about content security policy for third party cookies issued. It looks like many of  the Typeform cookies issued, do not have `SameSite=None`. This is preventing the typeform survey from rendering!


So i ended up figuring out that i could move the script into my own file and call the script manually. 


I created a public/typeformScript.js


;(function () {

var qs,




d = document,

gi = d.getElementById,

ce = d.createElement,

gt = d.getElementsByTagName,

id = "typef_orm",

b = ""

if (!, id)) {

js =, "script") = id

js.src = b + "embed.js"

q =, "script")p0]

q.parentNode.insertBefore(js, q)





In `<Head>` in document i pulled in this script. 


<script src="/typeformScript.js"></script>


Any tips on the content security privacy policy?

Hi @nick - I asked one of our developers about the error, but to help us look a little further into this, would you mind sharing a screenshot of the error in the console? (Or any other errors you’re seeing?) Thanks!



How’d you come up with that JS? I’m having the same issue.

Hello, all! I wanted to post an update that our dev team has let me know that our current Embed SDK should work with the current version now of NextJS. :grinning:

If anyone is still experiencing issues, please let us know!
