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8 ways to make the most of our community

  • 14 January 2021
  • 5 replies
8 ways to make the most of our community

Sit back, relax and have a nice cup of coffee (or tea). Welcome to our community. 


We built this space for you - our main purpose is giving you access to a global community of talented creators and empowering you to do more with Typeform and VideoAsk.


To start with, here’s 8 ways you can hit the ground running and make the most of the community from day one:


  1.  Come on board! Reading is great, and I’m sure you will find tones of useful conversations in our community. However, If you really want to benefit from the community and make a difference, hit the log in button and talk to us. We want to hear from you. 


  1. Ask a question or start a conversation. Easy, right? We cannot help each other and collaborate without the community actively asking for help. So, if you are stuck and/or you want to get someone else’s opinion hit the new post button. The more conversations the merrier. 


We have an ask the community section where you can ask any questions you may have about building conversations with Typeform or Videoask


  1. Chat to other creators, expand your network. This may be an obvious one, but the community is not just about questions and conversations, it’s primarily about people. Get to know the folks in the community, expand your network, and be open to learn from anyone. One of the main perks of this community is having access to a large group of creators using the same tools than you and possibly facing very similar challenges.  


  1. Tell the community if you’ve built something awesome. We know our community is full of brilliance. We want to see what you are capable of building with our tools so we encourage you to share your success with others to inspire the community. We love to be impressed by our members! We’ll make sure to highlight the best success stories and the wider community will be eternally grateful. 

Community is about sharing - not only the successful stories but also the little tips or techniques that you discover along the way. The Community Team will not always hold all the answers, tips or workarounds - we, as a community, should come together, share our knowledge and help each other grow, one ‘seed’ at a time!


  1. Say thank you. Such a powerful word, isn’t it? There are several ways you can say thanks in our community:
  • Just type the word itself :sweat_smile:
  • Click the Like button. 
  • Mark the best response to your question as the best answer. 
  • Give credit when credit is due. Recognize the efforts of others.


  1. Share your feedback. We want to know what you think about our products, the community, or anything related to our brand. We run frequent surveys to our customer base, but we still want to hear your feedback, suggestions and thoughts here in the community, in an open forum. Whatever you bring up will be discussed by the community team and, when necessary, the wider company. 

This is the place for you to share your feedback and suggestions. 


  1. Flag anything weird. Whenever you see something that you feel isn’t appropriate hit the flag button (bottom right of each post). This will trigger an immediate notification to the community team who will quickly have a look and take any necessary action regarding that content. By doing this we’ll make sure we keep the community safe at all times. 


  1. Enjoy your time. Last but not least, have a good time in the community, learn and share as much as you can, be kind to your fellow members and remember we are all in this together. 


As Stephen Hawking once said,  "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny.".

5 replies

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5214 replies
  • January 14, 2021

@Gabriel - great starting words!  as someone learning to use the Typeform platform, I would also extend the “Share” statement/desire to: community is about sharing - not only the successful stories but also the little tips or techniques that you discover along the way. We, as users, cannot expect the good folks at Typeform to have all the answers, tips or workarounds in the Help system or ‘support brains’ - we need to share our knowledge and help each other grow, one ‘seed’ at a time!



  • Author
  • Community Team
  • 858 replies
  • January 14, 2021
john.desborough wrote:

@Gabriel - great starting words!  as someone learning to use the Typeform platform, I would also extend the “Share” statement/desire to: community is about sharing - not only the successful stories but also the little tips or techniques that you discover along the way. We, as users, cannot expect the good folks at Typeform to have all the answers, tips or workarounds in the Help system or ‘support brains’ - we need to share our knowledge and help each other grow, one ‘seed’ at a time!




I love that, Des :heart_decoration:

This is part of the guides we are preparing to help everyone understand the community and what you just said makes so much sense. 

Thank you!

  • Author
  • Community Team
  • 858 replies
  • January 14, 2021

Check it out now @john.desborough. I think it looks/reads great. 

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5214 replies
  • January 14, 2021


  • Author
  • Community Team
  • 858 replies
  • January 14, 2021
john.desborough wrote:


 I think that goes well with coffee, Des. :coffee:
