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I need help to integrate my typeform account with bubble

I have gone through the Developers doc

and used the api url

but when I try to initialize on my bubble app it shows this error

code":"AUTHENTICATION_FAILED","description":"Authentication credentials not found on the Request Headers"

Pls anybody here knows bubble app integration can you pls walk me through step by step process to get the form responses into my app

Hello @AnanthuRG! Welcome to the Typeform Community! :blue_heart:

This usually happens when the user is trying to access file upload links without being logged in/authenticated to their Typeform account. Can you make sure you're logged in? 

Let me know if it helps! I hope it will! :wink:

Yes I have logged in my Typeform

But this error is show in My bubble app where i try to connect with API connector 

I want to integrate typeform with my bubble app


Hi @AnanthuRG 

Great to see a bubbler here!
Are you using a plugin or making the API call directly from your backend?

In order to make an API call to Typeform, you need to authenticate yourself, so we know who you are and then the Typeform API will check if you are authorized to have access to this resource.

In the API call you need to add an `Authorization` header with the value `Bearer YOUR_TYPEFORM_API_TOKEN`

You can create an API token in your account settings.

Let us know how it goes

This is the bubble API connection field. Pls help me which all data is needed to fill in this to make it work and for the Authentication which dropdown option is best suited for the Typeform.



Hi @AnanthuRG Have you had a chance to look at our documentation here? This will help you get started using our APIs and walk you through grabbing an auth code to use in other products. 
