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I want to use the new Typeform feature of redirecting users to my website on completion. Although my typeform works like the following - It calculates a score for the user based on each question and presents the score on the end page (currently). What I want to do is to transfer this score somehow to my website so my developer can dynamically display the score on the landing page. 

Is this possible? If yes, what is the right way to do it?

Thanks in advance :)

Hi @Virginia Kamala Happy Tuesday! You’ll most likely need to create some code to display this information. @picsoung is your person to show some examples on how to do this!

@Virginia Kamala - you could pass the score as part of the url to your landing page using something like this:

where the @variablename would be the recalled value of the score variable. 

your developer would have to be able to capture that name/value pair from the URL and convert that into something that would display on your landing page. 

As @Liz said, @picsoung might have something more elegant for you… 



@john.desborough Thank you so much for this! I will speak to my developer, hopefully this is feasible!


I will also wait for @picsoung to provide a solution if possible :)


Thanks guys! 

@john.desborough’s solution is the way to go 💪

Combining Redirect to URL feature and recall to use a variable in that URL.
